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Profetii False: Ellen G. White si alti guru

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mai, voi chiar credeti ca cineva poate sti cand va veni sfarsitul lumii?????????? :good:


bineinteles ...intreaba-l pe zexe ca nu demult a postat ceva cu sfarsitul calculat de el

exact in 2012.....i-a sa vezi cum iti explica de ,, minunat,,......

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Na mai Lio, ca tot vroiai tu citate:

"I have seen that the 1843 chart (Wm. Miller's) was directed by the hand of the Lord and that it should not be altered that the figures were as he wanted them." EARLY WRITINGS p. 64 edition 1882


(First Vision 12/1844) "It was just as impossible for them (those that gave up their faith in the 1844 movement) to get on the path again and go to the city, as all the wicked world which God had rejected. They fell all the way along the path one after another," (Foregoing now deleted) "until we heard the voice of God like many waters, WHICH GAVE US THE DAY AND HOUR OF JESUS' COMING. The living saints, 144,000 in number, knew and understood the voice, while the wicked thought it was thunder and an earthquake. When God spake the time, he poured on us the Holy Ghost, and our faces began to light up and shine with the glory of God as Moses' did when he came down from Mount Sinai." A WORD TO THE LITTLE FLOCK (1847 edition) p. 14


ELLEN FORGETS HOUR PROCLAIMED :good: :) "I have not the slightest knowledge as to the time spoken by the voice of God. I heard the hour proclaimed, but had no remembrance of that hour after I came out of vision." SELECTED MESSAGES 1 p. 298 (1889)


si fiti atenti aici, ca asta e tare de tot: nu mai stia ce spusese in scrierile ei, si cerea publicatiile de la altii... :lol:

ELLEN LOST HER VISIONS "In our frequent change of location in the earlier history of the publishing work, and I have crossed the plains no less than 17 times I lost all trace of the first published works." . . . "And here I pause to state that any of our people having in their possession a copy of any or all of my first views, as published prior to 1851, will do me a great favor if they will send them to me without delay." SELECTED MESSAGES 1 p. 60

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Na mai Lio, ca tot vroiai tu citate:

"I have seen that the 1843 chart (Wm. Miller's) was directed by the hand of the Lord and that it should not be altered that the figures were as he wanted them." EARLY WRITINGS p. 64 edition 1882


(First Vision 12/1844) "It was just as impossible for them (those that gave up their faith in the 1844 movement) to get on the path again and go to the city, as all the wicked world which God had rejected. They fell all the way along the path one after another," (Foregoing now deleted) "until we heard the voice of God like many waters, WHICH GAVE US THE DAY AND HOUR OF JESUS' COMING. The living saints, 144,000 in number, knew and understood the voice, while the wicked thought it was thunder and an earthquake. When God spake the time, he poured on us the Holy Ghost, and our faces began to light up and shine with the glory of God as Moses' did when he came down from Mount Sinai." A WORD TO THE LITTLE FLOCK (1847 edition) p. 14


ELLEN FORGETS HOUR PROCLAIMED :good: :) "I have not the slightest knowledge as to the time spoken by the voice of God. I heard the hour proclaimed, but had no remembrance of that hour after I came out of vision." SELECTED MESSAGES 1 p. 298 (1889)


si fiti atenti aici, ca asta e tare de tot: nu mai stia ce spusese in scrierile ei, si cerea publicatiile de la altii... :lol:

ELLEN LOST HER VISIONS "In our frequent change of location in the earlier history of the publishing work, and I have crossed the plains no less than 17 times I lost all trace of the first published works." . . . "And here I pause to state that any of our people having in their possession a copy of any or all of my first views, as published prior to 1851, will do me a great favor if they will send them to me without delay." SELECTED MESSAGES 1 p. 60


io zic sa si traduci ca sa nu inteleaga lumea ca ar fi totusi ceva ,, putred ,, si sa dai si adresa sa vedem

si de cine asa e cinstit nu......

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Io zic sa pui mana si sa inveti nejte engleza acolo, ca nu-ti strica niciodata. nu traduc nimic pentru ca nu ma plateste nimeni. Daca tu te bazai numai pe limba romana, atunci inteleg de ce aperi cu atata devotament profetiile lui Lenuta. Nu ai citit siteurile in engleza care o expun ca pe o profetesa ratata. Iti pot recomanda niste cursuri engleza incepatori daca doresti. :good:

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Io zic sa pui mana si sa inveti nejte engleza acolo, ca nu-ti strica niciodata. nu traduc nimic pentru ca nu ma plateste nimeni. Daca tu te bazai numai pe limba romana, atunci inteleg de ce aperi cu atata devotament profetiile lui Lenuta. Nu ai citit siteurile in engleza care o expun ca pe o profetesa ratata. Iti pot recomanda niste cursuri engleza incepatori daca doresti. :good:


nu pt. mine e nevoie.....m-am descurcat f. bine prin Florida-USA cu engleza inca de la 14 ani.....

ci pt. ceilalti......normal ca faci ca zexe care atunci cand nu mai are

argumente baga texte in greaca oricum nimeni nu le oare traducatorii de ex.

a cartii Hristos Lumina Lumii or fi tradus tocmai s-o ridice in slavi....sarind dupa tine o droaie de

,, nepotriviri ,, cu Scriptura......

si din nou tu stii mai bine ca n-am citit site-uri in engleza despre scrierile sau contra....

ce sa spun ........m-am aruncat asa inainte cu capu in necunoscut.......hai ca m-am lamurit......

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Aha, ;) deci desi cunosti engleza, te faci ca nu intelegi textele alea unde arata clar ca Lenuta a ratat profetie dupa profetie... crezi ca daca le ignori, citatele alea or sa dispara? :good: :) :lol:

Patetic. Este clar ca la lumina zilei ca madam guru Elăn Gi Uait nu a fost decat o lunatica careia i se parea ca vorbeste cu ingeri si Dumnezeu, dupa cum am spus poate sa se ia de mana cu Miller, Smith, Branham si altii. Fraieri care sa ii creada pe astia si altii de teapa lor care vor aparea in viitor exista intotdeauna.

Editat de Enki
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Aha, ;) deci desi cunosti engleza, te faci ca nu intelegi textele alea unde arata clar ca Lenuta a ratat profetie dupa profetie... crezi ca daca le ignori, citatele alea or sa dispara? :good: :) :lol:

Patetic. Este clar ca la lumina zilei ca madam guru Elăn Gi Uait nu a fost decat o lunatica careia i se parea ca vorbeste cu ingeri si Dumnezeu, dupa cum am spus poate sa se ia de mana cu Miller, Smith, Branham si altii. Fraieri care sa ii creada pe astia si altii de teapa lor care vor aparea in viitor exista intotdeauna.


Nu trebuie sa o jignesti pe raposata.Sa stii ca in cartile ei sunt lucruri foarte faine si interesante.Problema e ca prea des o ia razna si printre lucrurile bune totdeauna apare o doza letala de otrava.

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Nu pune nimeni la indoiala ca spune lucruri frumoase si unele utile. Ceea ce este indoielnic rau de tot e "sursa" ei divina.

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Nu pune nimeni la indoiala ca spune lucruri frumoase si unele utile. Ceea ce este indoielnic rau de tot e "sursa" ei divina.


Cand am citit-o prima oara aproape sa cred ca are relatii sus puse.La o analiza mai atenta am realizat ca sursa ei este cel cu coada si coarne.

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