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nu injur niciodata :crazy:

....asadar si prin urmare esti mereu stresata :o:

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Hm nu cred.

O injuratura simpla fara mame.


Depinde de la om la om... Am fosti colegi care se injurau in fata unul pe atul de mame si nu se supara nimeni..... altii se supara numai de la vulgaritati... depinde de evolutia fiecaruia...


"There have been three stages of swearing in modern English. From about 1500, swearwords were simply euphemisms for blasphemy: oddsbodkins - God's body, cor blimey - god blind me; bloody - by our lady. Today's swear words were perfectly acceptable, apart from the c-word.


"From 1700, blasphemy lost its potency, and as England became a world power, there was an effort to clean up the language. So then words for parts of the body and what you do with them, such as defecation, became taboo. You wouldn't find them in Dickens, for example.


"In the past 40 years, young people have become less concerned with the traditional swear words. Now it's racist, sexist, homophobic language - the sort my father's generation wouldn't think twice about using - that are totally forbidden.


"The right to swear is a necessary human expostulation. I've no qualms about swearing, although I would tame my language depending on who I was speaking to."


De la:


Se vede pe Glamorous_witch_girl cat e de stresata ! :crazy:

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Normal...cand dai o injuratura parca te simti mai bine. :o:


Normal! Il stresezi pe celalalt! :)

Editat de Essenziale

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Eu nu injur. Nu-mi place si chiar daca as face-o, nu cred ca asta m-ar face sa ma simt mai bine. :D

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Eu nu injur. Nu-mi place si chiar daca as face-o, nu cred ca asta m-ar face sa ma simt mai bine. :D


Niciodata??? Nici in rurseste? Nici la servici macar?


Adevarul e ca eu nu injur decat cand sunt obosit sau suarat... si atunci nu foarte rau....

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Niciodata. E urat,mai ales pentru o fata,sa injure.

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