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Dreams and their meanings

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I am always having weird and wonderful dreams. Last night was a nightmare though - Vampires were trying to get me, but instead of biting people, all they had to do was touch them to make them one of their own. Was being chased all over the place. Not very pleasant.


The meaning of this according to my dream book says that dreaming vampires is to do with the fear of emotional or sexual relationships or feeling that someone is being too demanding :evil:


Post your dreams here and I will interpret them for you - or at least try :yahoo:

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i know what this is. you want us to post our weird dreams so you can laugh and laugh and not be bored :evil:

well, i can't remember very well my latest dreams but i can tell you for sure they are pretty weird. sometimes thei're so wird that i don't even know how to tell them to other people :yahoo: i have a wild mind :yahoo:

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Sera, tell us something we don't know :crazy:



I don't usually remember my dreams. I remember very rarely and they're usually not good.

But Roger, you have to tell the one when you were visiting us by helicopter :)

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Since last week, every night I dream about maccaroni with cheese. I'm cooking ir (in the oven) and then eating it.

Editat de heidy2006

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Maccaroni & Cheese are not in my book. I can only offer the following:


To dream about meals is to do with social pleasure and acceptance. Eating meals alone refers to independance, loss of family ties or lack of social relationships or outside stimulus.


Frequent dreams about eating suggest a great hunger for something.

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ok, i have a fresh one for you. i had it last night and it's really really weird.

i am with a friend of mine on a blanket or something and we are talking stuff, mainly our love lives. then we get going and i see that we are at my grandmother's in the countryside. right across the road from my grannys house there is a ku klux klan meeting :lol2: . in my courtyard there is a black guy dressed in something resembling the union's army uniforme :rtfm: those kkk guys have a ritual of inititation for a new member and they bring a cartoonish young bull for him to restle or something. the bull escapes and comes in my direction, not necesarly to get me but i begin to run. and here i am jumping over fences with the bull running amok behind me. that's pretty much what i remember. wonder what caused this really weird dream :lol2:

Editat de seraphimovic

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Who knows... you are possibly afraid that something bad is going to happen (since the kkk and the bull appeared at your grandma's place), and you really want to avoid it :flowers:, OR, you are just trying to get away from something, not necesairily "bad".


I usually have pretty weird dreams, the most "recent" one I can remember went like this:

I'm talking with my ex (:crazy:), in some kind of jibberish i couldn't understand (even though i kept talking). So we kept saying stuff which didn't make sense at all, until he suddenly gets pissed, turns into a psycho and starts growling at me. Then I stare in a "wtf?" way, and he starts hiting me with stuff. Then I wake up 0_o


And a rather "frequent" kind of dream:

Fighting with an anonymous human being. Physically and/or verbally.

I dream that i'm seriously pissed, and I want to kill the person.

One time I saw myself hitting him/her numerous times.


Am I sane :phiu:?

Editat de Scythe

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join the insane club :flowers: :crazy:

your dreams are pretty simple in my opinion. you said you were talking with your ex jibberish..well, maybe the reason you broke up in the first place was because you didn't understand each other. and that dream about beating the crap out of som e faceless person, well, it comes from some hidden anger. you don't know what you're angry at so the person you're beating has no identity

roger, yopu're the expert here, enlighten us :phiu:

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