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19 pompieri au murit intr-un incendiu in Arizona

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Luni, 01 iulie 2013
Nouasprezece pompieri si-au pierdut viata duminica, in timp ce incercau sa stinga un incendiu in Arizona.

Echipa lucra la stingerea incendiului din Yarnell Hill, izbucnit vineri la nord-est de Phoenix. Cel mai probabil, focul a inceput in urma unui fulger si a cuprins aproximativ 400 de hectare, a avariat trei case, iar locuitorii din zona au fost evacuati.


Cei mai multi dintre pompierii morti in incendiu erau din Prescott.

O pagina de Facebook in memoria pompierilor din Arizona a fost creata duminica noaptea unde numeroase persoane si-au exprimat condoleantele si sprijinul.

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Nu este un simplu incendiu, arde padurea si era o comunitate in padure pe care-l evacuau care s-a si distrus in infernul dezlantuit.


The loss of the elite crew ranks as one of the worst wildfire disasters in history.



This undated picture shows the Prescott Granite Mountain Hotshot crew of Prescott, Ariz.


(Photo: KPHO-TV/ via AFP/Getty Images)

Story Highlights
  • Hotshot crews specialize in attacking wildfires such as the Yarnell Hill Fire
  • President Obama hails dead firefighters as 'heroes'
  • Some of the victims were discovered inside their emergency fire shelters

PRESCOTT, Ariz. — As firefighters tried to gain control over a stubborn, swelling wildfire near here Monday, this close-knit mountain town was trying to contain its grief.

Many flocked to Prescott Fire Station No. 7, the small, one-story base of the Granite Mountain Hotshots, the elite firefighting crew that lost 19 of 20 men as they were overcome Sunday by the swift, erratic Yarnell Hill Fire 30 miles to the south.

Juliann Ashcraft said she learned that her husband, Andrew, 29, was among the dead by watching the news with her four children. "They died heroes," she said, wiping away tears. "And we'll miss them. We love them."

Most were in their 20s, but ranged in age from 21 to 43. Outside a gated, locked fence where more than a dozen vehicles left behind by the lost firefighters remain parked, a stream of tearful mourners honored the loss of neighbors, relatives and friends with flowers, signs, balloons, flags, caps, letters, religious figures and other mementos.

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