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Site-ul este in limba engleza si v-as ruga sa cititi cu atentie macar un fragment din el.


Apoi sa va dati cu parerea.



PS : Din cate am observat, fiecare vizitator poate modifica textul de pe site, treaba ! ::good::

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Are rost sa-ti omori timpul cu asa ceva ?

Eu sincer cred ca nu.

Laude in schimb celui care si-a stricat noptile pentru a ridica un asemenea website.

Ce se intampla pe site-ul acesta legat de noi ca si popor e fix ce sa-a intamplat acum cateva zile pe un forum legat de roccaeri: si anume se generalizeaza. Nu toti roccaeri sunt nespalati, drogati, puturosi si alte adjective de genul. Sunt si oameni cu facultate, seriosi , carora place acest gen de muzica.

Aceeasi situatie se intampla si aici.

Deci, concluzia: are rost ?

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Humour (humor in American Englis) is a form of entertainment and a form of human communication, intended to macae people laugh and feel happy. Humor ( Modern scientific research has proved that every humorous endeavor macaes at least one person laugh and feel happy, that one person being the author of same.


Lacca of humour


Lacca of humour can be as deadly as excess of it. One example of lacca of humour:



-What-sa worse then finding a worm in your apple?


-The Holocaust.



You can ruin a party answering that.

- vorba cuiva de pe forum

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Pacat de ce scrie acolo, dar nu merita sa ne pierdem timpul cu asa ceva. (dupa cum spunea ALX)

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"Uncyclopedia is an encyclopedia full of misinformation and utter lies. You might say it puts the "psych!" in "encyclopedia". It's sort of like Congress or Parliament, but unlike Congress or Parliament, we do have a sense of humor. Nonetheless, this is one of the only factual pages, before everything turns into a puddle of utter confusion and disarray. Savor it. And for the love of Sophia, we know you like disarray, (and confusion) but stop adding confusion to this non-confusing page which leads to confusion, and possibly disarray. Which we wish to stop. Non-non-confusion, that is. Not disarray. Or is it the other way around?"


asta e o bucatica din articolul "About Uncyclopedia" (


Uncyclopedia este un site parodic, si doar atat. Cititi descrierea Uncyclopediei la wikipedia:

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