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felicitari, ai castigat un asalt

in fata unui non-combat

felicitari, ai castigat un razboi

la care nu am participat



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We shifted like embarrassed generals Amateurishly dealing peace. It was not clear Who had initiated hostilities, our Casualties or even who had won? Only we wanted borders where there had been none; Diplomatic missions, common protocols. I preferred the war, When we loved each other.











Desmond O'Grady


My love is dressed in green,

In a green gown with green buttons ;

She sits on the green bank in the garden

Under the green leaved trees and

The living flowers.

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Melissa give_rose.gif





pe când întorc filele chipului ei
pe când îi ascult cu atenţie surâsurile unul câte unul






un cuvânt
atât de nesupus
atât de recules.
ca o respiraţie
un cuvânt
cu cerul.







în vârful creionului frumuseţea ta

şi anatomia poemului
cu oasele lui imponderabile:
frumuseţea ta








Iulian Boldea








Editat de Ea.
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tuturor doamnelor si domnisoarelor





The Rose

The rose is obsolete
but each petal ends in
an edge, the double facet
cementing the grooved
columns of air --- The edge
cuts without cutting
meets --- nothing --- renews
itself in metal or porcelain ---

whither? It ends ---

But if it ends
the start is begun
so that to engage roses
becomes a geometry ---

Sharper, neater, more cutting
figured in majolica ---
the broken plate
glazed with a rose

Somewhere the sense
makes copper roses
steel roses ---

The rose carried weight of love
but love is at an end - of roses
It is at the edge of the
petal that love waits

Crisp, worked to defeat
laboredness --- fragile
plucked, moist, half-raised
cold, precise, touching


The place between the petal's
edge and the

From the petal's edge a line starts
that being of steel
infinitely fine, infinitely
rigid penetrates
the Milky Way
without contact --- lifting
from it --- neither hanging
nor pushing ---

The fragility of the flower
penetrates space.

William Carlos Williams
(VII of "Spring and All")

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