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"Oficialii de la Beijing au pus în alertă populația țării, anunțând faptul că politica restrictivă zero-COVID ar putea rămâne în vigoare pentru următorii cinci ani, dar și că ar putea implica inclusiv restricții privind călătoriile și testarea în masă obligatorie."

*Nu se poate compara China cu nici o alta tara am impresia.  In State domina fara Covid situatie indiferent de ce se intampla in China, Mexico sau Canada.   Zero COVID nu se va declara ca sint extrem de multi TBC-isti care tot de Covid se vor duce cand le vine randul.  Cand dispar bolile de plamani, vom avea acel statut.* 

Editat de The Unknown

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nu conteaza neaparat contextul....

dar daca se poate observa...chiar la un nivel mic de intelegere, ca poate exista o prezumtie ne neligitimitate pandemica constand intr-o inselaciune...atunci e grav!

iar daca vor fi stranse la un loc toate dovezile ca autoritatile au mintit (au primit in plic) pentru indeplinirea acestor planuri...e mai mult decat grav!

Editat de Rayn

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desi nu mai este disponibil in celelalte postari, aici a ramas

foarte bine

il voi reposta ori de cate ori va fi nevoie

azi 01 iulie 2022 ora 19.35

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So easy, cand totul e la dispozitie pe internet pentru verificat. Chiar iti imaginezi ca in ziua de azi mai functioneaza sa trunchezi un interviu ca sa distorsionezi mesajul?

A post on Facebook falsely claims that the CEO of Pfizer has said “by 2023 we will reduce the world population by 50%”. This is accompanied by a link to a website with the headline: “Pfizer CEO: ‘by 2023 we will reduce the world population by 50%’”.

He actually said that by 2023 they would reduce the number of people who could not afford their medicines by 50%.

If you follow the link to the webpage, it includes a video showing Albert Bourla, the CEO of the pharmaceutical company Pfizer, which produces one of the Covid-19 vaccines. He was speaking at Davos, an annual event run by the World Economic Forum (WEF), an international, non-governmental lobbying organisation that says it is “committed to improving the state of the world by engaging business, political, academic and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas”.

In this video, he appears to say: “The first week we met, in January of ‘19 in California, and set up the goals for the next five years. And one of them was by 2023 we would reduce the number of people in the world by 50%. I think today, this dream is becoming reality.” 

The audience then claps.

But in the full version of the interview, between Mr Bourla and Klaus Schwab, the WEF founder and chairman, shows that he did not actually say this.

The full clip shows Mr Bourla saying: “The first week we met in January of ‘19 in California, we set up the goals for the next five years. And one of them was by 2023 we will reduce the number of people in the world that cannot afford our medicines by 50%. I think today this dream is becoming reality.”

The webpage linked to by the Facebook post does reflect this, and has a correction note saying: “After reviewing the full video, the video I was provided was edited to remove the words ‘who cannot afford our medicines.’ My apologies and you can see the full video below.”

The headline also now says: “Pfizer CEO: ‘By 2023, We Will Reduce The Number Of People In The World That Cannot Afford Our Medicines By 50%’”.

However, the website’s correction note goes on to say: “Nevertheless, with the millions who have died from the shot and millions more who have been injured, are the results not looking the same as a global depopulation? I think they are.”

There is no evidence that millions have died or been “injured” from the Covid-19 vaccine. In England and Wales, 15 deaths have been registered as having been attributed to adverse reaction to a Covid-19 vaccine, with 10 listed as having it as the underlying cause, as of December 2021. It is important to note there is a long lag in registrations of deaths, so this figure may well increase.

According to the Medicines & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) there is a likely link between the AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine and an extremely rare and specific blood clot occurring with low platelets. There have been 81 fatal cases of this following the AstraZeneca vaccine up to 18 May 2022.

The number of deaths and other events reported following a vaccine via the Yellow Card scheme are not necessarily caused by the vaccine as they haven’t been fully investigated. (The Yellow Card scheme is a website run by the MHRA, to which anyone can report a suspected side effect.)

According to the Office for National Statistics: “The COVID-19 vaccination programme led to a very large number of people receiving vaccinations in a relatively short period. Some people will, sadly, die by chance shortly after receiving a vaccine, so the death can be mistakenly attributed to the COVID-19 vaccination by a family member or carer. In the course of such a large-scale programme, this could add up to a large number.”

An edited video has been shared by social media users online showing the Pfizer Chief Executive Albert Bourla speaking at the World Economic Forum (WEF) at Davos, Switzerland in May 2022. Bourla did not say that by 2023, his team aimed to cut the world’s population by 50%. The unedited clip showed the company’s CEO saying that his team set a target to cut the number of people who couldn’t afford Pfizer’s medicines by 50%.

The misleading clip cuts Bourla’s comments, taking several words out of the clip to make it appear as if the company’s CEO said that his team aimed to see the world’s population plummet by 2023.

The deceptively edited clip makes it seem that Bourla said: “I think that it was really a bit of a dream we had together with my leadership team when we started in ‘19. The first week we met in January of ‘19 in California to set up the goals for the next five years and one of them was, by 2023, we would reduce the number of people in the world by 50%. I think today, this dream is becoming a reality.”

People are then heard clapping in response to his comments.


One user who shared the edited video on Facebook said: “PFIZER CEO: “Our dream is to reduce population by 50% by 2023. I think today the dream is becoming reality“ #WEF2022 #Davos So which of us is on their ‘hit list’?!” ( here )

Examples of the clip shared on social media can be seen ( here ), ( here ), ( here ) and ( here ).

The clip was deceptively cut, however, and the Pfizer CEO did not say that his team had set a target to cut the world’s population by 2023.

The unaltered video can be seen in a livestream of the conversation that was uploaded by the World Economic Forum (WEF) [2:30s] ( ).


In the unaltered clip, Bourla is heard saying: “The first week we met in January of ‘19 in California to set up the goals for the next five years and one of them was, by 2023, we would reduce the number of people in the world who cannot afford our medicines by 50%.”


Altered. The CEO of Pfizer did not say at the WEF in Davos that his team had set a goal to see the world’s population plummet by 50% by 2023. The clip circulating online deceptively cuts several words from Bourla’s comments. In reality, he said his team had set a goal to cut the number of people who cannot afford Pfizer medicines by half by that year.

This article was produced by the Reuters Fact Check team. Read more about our fact-checking work here.

Hai, Rayn, fa pasi de aici cu minciunile tale grosolane.


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Iata si interviul integral, nu trebuie sa urmaresti decat 3 minute pentru a vedea ce minciuna gogonata ai inghitit de la conspirationistii tai, Rayn.




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Bine, trebuie sa fii absolut idiot ca sa iti imaginezi ca un asemenea plan malefic de a omori 50% din populatie este anuntat la TV cu surle si trambite fix de ala care il va pune in practica. Dar nah, cand Rayn are un singur neuron si ala ofilit, poate sa creada de astea cu duiumul. :lol2:

Unless... stie ca e fake/trunchiat/editat filmuletul pe care l-a postat, si raspandeste intentionat manipulari si minciuni, in ce scop final, el stie.

Editat de Enki
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Acum 8 ore, Enki a spus:

Bine, trebuie sa fii absolut idiot ca sa iti imaginezi ca un asemenea plan malefic de a omori 50% din populatie este anuntat la TV cu surle si trambite fix de ala care il va pune in practica. Dar nah, cand Rayn are un singur neuron si ala ofilit, poate sa creada de astea cu duiumul. :lol2:

Unless... stie ca e fake/trunchiat/editat filmuletul pe care l-a postat, si raspandeste intentionat manipulari si minciuni, in ce scop final, el stie.

Eu am si scris imediat ca ceva nu este clar spus de specialistul si ca miscarile buzelor nu este identic cu ceea ce se aude!!!   Voiam sa ma mai interesez din surse locale de la mine dar fiind vacanta pentru 4 Julie, si jumatate America deja de Luni si-a luat liber si sint in munti la racoare la pescuit si descoperit, voi avea de asteptat inca o saptamana pana revin din vacanta.   Perioada asta este vacanta de vara Americana ca se poate merge peste tot cu usurinta, copiii au vacanta iar parintii primesc liber ca si firmele inchid de multe ori.   

Avem mari reduceri de preturi la alimente incepand de la apa in sticlute pana la zmeura cred, desi vine din Canada, un pumn de fructe costa 4 dolari.  Am primit portocale extrem de bune de la cineva cu livada foarte mare si nu mai am spor la curatat ca sotul le mananca imediat.  Am de scos si eliminat acele separatoare intre sferturi pentru mine, dar nici el nu le vrea manca ca-s cam groase si nu se pot mesteca.   Zilele astea cumparam apa sa ne ajunga acest an!!!  Ma bucur ca sint interzise de aruncate alea in aer de fericire focurile de artificii!!!


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