Windows Workflow Foundation event la Timisoara


Targuri / expozitii
acum 10 ani si 8 luni

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ROmanian .NET User Association (RONUA) Timisoara

Anunta organizarea

Windows Workflow Foundation event la Timisoara
Sambata 21 Martie, ora 09:00, la Facultatea de Automatica si Calculatoare sala A109, Bd. Vasile Parvan 2.

Invitat special
Maurice de Beijer, MVP, INETA Speakers Bureau

Agenda eveniment:

  • 09:00 – 09:15 – Intro și networking

  • 09:15 – 10:30 – Unleash the power of state machines workflows
    Most people start their workflow career using sequential workflows. While sequential workflows are powerful and easy to get started with there is a second type, the state machine workflow, which is even more powerful. A state machine workflow is all about creating very flexible and event driven workflows, something far more common than the more rigid sequential workflows. In this session Maurice will demonstrate how to get started with state machine workflows. During this session you will see why you might prefer state machine over sequential workflows and when which type is more appropriate.

  • 10:10 – 11:00 – Pauza

  • 11:00 – 12:15 – Using Windows Workflow Foundation with Windows Communication Foundation
    With the .NET 3.5 Windows Workflow Foundation release we only got 2 new activities, the SendActivity and the ReceiveActivity. At first glance that might not seem like a big deal but these two activities unleash the power of Windows Communication Foundation on Windows Workflow Foundation. But with a lot of power comes a lot of responsibility and using these activities can sometimes be a little harder than we might have hoped for. In this session Maurice will show how to use these activities and show some of the things you might want to avoid doing.

  • 12:15 – ... - Discutii libere

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