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  • America e in plin razboi in Vietnam, Laos si Cambodgia
  • America sprijina statul sud-vietnamez impotriva Vietnamului de Nord si insurgentilor  comunisti din Viet Cong.
  • America e in pragul de a pierde razboiul impotriva comunistilor din Asia de Sud-Est dupa bombardamente intense si suprematia ii este in plin declin
  • Vietnamul de Nord condus de Ho Chi Minh  este sprijinit de Uniunea Sovietica si China.  SUA si URSS sunt in razboi rece de cand sovieticii au anexat Europa de Est impunandu-si marionetele.
  • Daniel Ellsberg publica documente secrete si compromitatoare  despre operatiunile militare  din Vietnam - Pentagon Papers
  • Societatea americana  e divizata intre democratii liberali vs republicanii conservatori , au loc conflice intre americanii albi si afro-americani care vor emancipare
  • Are loc al doilea val de Feminism
  • Lyndon B. Johnson, presedinte democrat si progresist, lanseaza programul "Great Society" si promulga "Civil Rights Act" pentru emanciparea drepturilor afro-americanilor.
  • Este succedat de presedintele republican controversat Richard Nixon, populist, carismatic, dar acuzat de coruptie, criticat de presa si Hollywood  si detestat de tineri activisti si de liberali.
  • Richard Nixon cauta sa imbunatateasca relatiile cu China si URSS   si sa retraga militarii definitiv din Vietnam, Laos si Cambodgia
  • Richard Nixon, pentru a-si atinge scopul, ia masuri radicale prin a bombarda intensificat Vietnamul  penalizandu-l pentru incalcarea conditilor de pace si ameninta URSS, China si Vietnam cu atac nuclear si totodata preseaza opozitia sa joace dupa regulile lui pentru a-si implementa agenda interna precum "New Federalism"
  • Nixon detesta si condamna programul "Great Society" impus de predecesorul sau
  • Richard Nixon  este acuzat de incalcari constitutionale din cauza scandalului Watergate si este amenintat cu suspendarea si judecarea.
  • China e condusa de dictatorul Mao Zedong, iar Rusia reia cursa inarmarii cu Leonid Brejnev la conducere
  • Israel duce razboaie periodice cu vecinii musulmani
  • NASA face progrese in explorarea spatiala
  • Romania e guvernata de PCR si Nicolae Ceausescu


  • America e in plin razboi in Irak, Afghanistan si Siria.
  • America sprijina rebelii sirieni in lupta impotriva regimului Assad si impotriva insurgentilor, respectiv teroristilor ISIS.
  • America e in pragul de a pierde razboiul impotriva teroristilor si dictatorilor din Orientul Mijlociu dupa bombardamente intense si suprematia ii este in plin declin
  • Siria condusa de Bashar al-Assad este sprijinita de Federatia Rusa , Iran si China. SUA si Rusia sunt in razboi rece de cand rusii au anexat Crimeea si s-a implicat in alegerile din Europa de Est, impunandu-si marionetele.
  • Julian Assange publica documente secrete si compromitatoare despre operatiunile militare din Irak - Wikileaks
  • Societatea americana e divizata intre democratii liberali si republicanii conservatori, au loc conflicte intre americanii albi si afro-americanii si imigrantii hispanici care vor emancipare
  • Are loc al patrulea val de Feminism.
  • Barrack Obama, presedinte democrat si progresist,  promulga  " Obamacare" pentru reforme in sistemul medical , sporeste drepturile imigrantilor si minoritatilor si legalizeaza casatoriile homosexuale.
  • Este succedat de presedintele republican controversat Donald Trump, afacerist, populist, carismatic, dar acuzat de coruptie , criticat de presa si Hollywood  si detestat de tineri activisti si de liberali.
  • Donald Trump cauta sa imbunatateasca relatiile cu Federatia Rusa si China   si sa retraga definitiv militarii din Siria, Irak si Afghanistan
  • Donald Trump , pentru a-si atinge scopul,  ia masuri radicale prin a bombarda intensificat Siria penalizand-o pentru atacurile chimice si ameninta Coreea de Nord cu atac nuclear, Rusia cu sanctiuni  si   China cu razboi comercial.  si totodata preseaza opozitia sa joace dupa regulile lui pentru a-si implementa agenda interna precum "politica anti-imigratie" si construirea zidului cu Mexicul
  • Trump detesta si condamna programul "Obamacare" impus de predecesorul sau
  • Donald Trump este acuzat de incalcari constitutionale din cauza scandalului Russiangate si este amenintat cu suspendarea si judecarea.
  • China e condusa de dictatorul Xi Jinping, iar Rusia reia cursa inarmarii cu Vladimir Putin la conducere.
  • Israel duce razboaie in Gaza cu palestinienii
  • SpaceX face progrese in explorarea spatiala
  • Romania e guvernata de PSD si de Liviu Nicolae Dragnea

Teoretic, ar trebui acum sa mai urmeze o criza petroliera ca-n 1973. Si tocmai ce a crescut iar pretul petrolului...



Napoleon vs Hitler


Amandoi nascuti in saracie
Amandoi au fost ambitiosi  si insetati dupaputere
Amandoi au  obtinut puterea prin alegeri libere si lovitura de stat
Amandoi au contribuit la renasterea natiunilor
Amandoi sunt de alta origine fata de natiunea pe care au condus-o
Amandoi au folosit razboiul pentru a-si extinde influenta
Amandoi au vrut sa cucereasca Europa
Amandoi au esuat in a cuceri Rusia
Amandoi au esuat in a dobora Marea Britanie printr-o blocada continentala
Amandoi au infruntat rezistenta impotriva regimurilor
Amandoi au fost rapusi de o coalitie de natiuni
Amandoi au incercat sa se sinucida prin otravire
Natiunile amandurora au cazut in ruine

Sau Razboaiele Punice izbucnite de Cartagina   si Razboaiele Mondiale izbucnite de Germania


Ambele izbucnite de o putere in ascensiune cu ambitii de a dobandi suprematie
In ambele razboaie au fost infrante si au cazut in ruina
De pe urma ambelor razboaie a rasarit o noua superputere -  Imperiul Roman / Statele Unite ale Americii
Cel de-al doilea razboi punic a fost declansat de Hannibal , Cel de-al doilea Razboi Mondial a fost declansat de Hitler - ambii lideri si-au terorizat inamicii si au ramas in istorie ca cei mai huliti si detestati rivali
Ambii lideri s-au sinucis prin otravire  dupa ce au fost infranti!



Both presidents were elected to the House of Representatives in '46.
Both presidents were non-masons and both of their successors were masons (non-mason presidents replaced with mason power).
Both were losing candidates for their party's vice-presidential nomination in '56.
Both presidents were elected to the presidency in '60.
Both died after being shot in the head.
Lincoln defeated incumbent Vice President John C. Breckinridge for the presidency in 1860; Kennedy defeated incumbent Vice President Richard M. Nixon for the presidency in 1960.
Both their predecessors were the last presidents to be born in their respective centuries.
Both their predecessors left office in their seventies and retired to Pennsylvania. James Buchanan, whom Lincoln succeeded, retired to Lancaster Township; Dwight D. Eisenhower, whom Kennedy succeeded, retired to Gettysburg. They both then died before the end of the decade.
Both their Vice Presidents and successors were Southern Democrats named Johnson (Andrew Johnson and Lyndon B. Johnson) who were born in '08.
Both presidents were concerned with issues affecting Black Americans and made their views strongly known in '63. Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation in 1862, which took effect in 1863. In 1963, Kennedy presented his reports to Congress on issues related to the Civil Rights Movement, and in June of that year delivered his Civil Rights Address on radio and television in which he proposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Both presidents, and their successors, conferred with a nationally known black leader about civil rights. Both Lincoln and Andrew Johnson conferred with Frederick Douglass. Both Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson conferred with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Both presidents were known for their wit and eloquence, and both frequently quoted Shakespeare and the Bible in their speeches.
Both presidents had been captains of ships in their private lives: Lincoln on a river boat, and Kennedy on PT-109.
Each president suffered from a genetic disease. Lincoln had Marfan's syndrome. Kennedy had Addison's disease.
Both presidents were shot in the head on a Friday seated beside their wives. Both Fridays preceded a major holiday observed within the week.
Both assassinations occurred in a city that was the 14th largest in the nation according to the most recent census taken in '60.
During the assassination, they were sitting in an alphabetical pattern. Their spouses first name and both president's last name. J,K,L,M- Jackie, Kennedy, Lincoln, Mary. Jackie was seated to the left of Kennedy and Mary to the right of Lincoln.
Both presidents were accompanied by another couple.
The male companion of the other couple was wounded by the assassin.
Both presidents fathered four children, and had a son die during his presidency.
Both presidents had only one child survive into the next century. That child served another president by political appointment.
Both presidents' wives died in their sixties after an untimely decline in health, during the administration of a president who had been in the same party as their husbands in Washington, D.C. the same year as the assassination (Mary Todd Lincoln died during the presidency of Chester A. Arthur. Arthur had attended President Lincoln's 1865 inauguration. Jacqueline Kennedy died during the presidency of Bill Clinton. Clinton met President Kennedy in 1963 during a Boys State summer program).
Lincoln was shot by John Wilkes Booth at Ford's Theatre; Kennedy was shot by Lee Harvey Oswald in a Lincoln automobile, made by Ford.
Both presidents' last names have 7 letters.
Both assassins' full names have 15 letters.
Both while in their 30's married 24 year old women, who spoke fluent French.
Both were related to a U.S. Senator, Attorney General,ambassador to Great Britain and the mayor of Boston.
Both were born as second children.
Each assassin committed his crime in the building where he was employed.
Both presidents were purportedly smiling immediately before the assassination began.
After shooting Lincoln, Booth ran from a theatre to a warehouse; after shooting Kennedy, Oswald ran from a warehouse to a theatre.
Both assassins died in the same month as their victim in a state adjacent to the state of their birth.
Both assassins were shot and killed with a Colt revolver.
Both assassins were Southern white males born in the late '30s, who were in their mid-20s, and were 5'8" in height with hazel eyes and brown hair.
Both assassins were sympathetic to a government that opposed the United States, and both had once resided within that government's borders.
Both assassins were killed before being tried, by men who were reared in the North, changed their name as adults, and were bachelors.
Both assassins suffered injuries during escape.
Both assassins fled using modes of transportation they did not own. Booth rented a horse, Oswald rode a bus.
Both presidents had body guards named William, William H. Crook told Lincoln not to go to the assassination point, William Greer drove JFK to the assassination point.
Both bodyguards named William died within 48 hours of being aged 75 years, 5 months.
Presidential security was heavily criticized, after each assassination, for being too lax.
Lincoln sat in box number 7 at Ford's Theater; Kennedy sat in car number 7 in the motorcade.
The doctors who primarily attended to each president were both named Charles. Dr. Charles Leale treated Lincoln. Dr. Charles Crenshaw treated Kennedy.
Each president died in a place with the initials "P.H." Lincoln died at the Petersen House and Kennedy died at Parkland Hospital.
Kennedy was the second president in U.S. history who issued interest-free money. The first was Lincoln, who issued greenbacks to finance the American Civil War.
Coincidence (not part of the above list) - Both Lincoln and Kennedy were carried in coffins with no pallbearer's handles. Lincoln's body was placed in a plain pine box with no handles. It was carried out of the Petersen house with hands underneath the bottom of the box. Kennedy was placed in a bronze coffin, which wouldn't fit through the Eastern Airlines aircraft door; the pallbearer's handles were forcibly removed to board the plane (Lyndon Johnson boarded Air Force One as the newly sworn President). 
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