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Carti in engleza si maghiara

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In limba engleza:

1. In Europe's Name - Germany and the Divided Continent - Timothy Garton Ash, Random House - New York

2. Complaints Against the Police - The Trend to External Review - Andrew J. Goldsmith, Clarendon Press - Oxford

3. Representing God in Washington - The Role of Religious Lobbies in the American Polity - Allen D. Hertzke, The University of Tennessee Press, Knoxville

Pret 20 lei fiecare sau 50 lei toate.


In limba maghiara:

Cele doua volume din imagini, se observa starea copertei, insa in interior paginile sunt intacte, cu mentiunea ca are si pagini veline cu desene aplicate, iar cateva lipsesc. In rest, nu lipseste absolut nicio fila scrisa sau desenata.

Pret 20 lei.


Doar Bucuresti.




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