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jet li

USA - ce se intampla acolo

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Copilul tipic american, mainstream, average :



si ca astia milioane si trist ca raman la nivelul asta si dupa facultate... si nu, nu se intampla nimic... in halul asta de imbecilizare nu au fost nici hipiotii, nici rockerii din 70, nici punkeri din 80, nici raperii din 90, nici houserii din 2000 nimeni !

cultul nimicului poleit in aur

In fata generatie acestea nici nu mai trebuie sa te ascunzi ca sa o manipulezi.

Editat de Schimbarea2012

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..faptul ca ai o parere nu-ti da si dreptul sa dai cu ea in cap omului de tine considerat nebun..

..respectul se manifesta intai si intai fata de propria persoana si nu e echivalent cu ignoranta fie ea de natura ofensiva sau defensiva... trebuie sa dai din cap intelegator dar nici sa ataci..nebunia din cate stiu eu trebuie sa nasca compasiune nu dispret..altfel unde se trage linia intre cei echilibrati si cei neechilibrati?..iar atunci cand te protejezi mental de o agresiune nu o faci raspunzand cu o alta...


..normalitatea in ziua de azi este mai mult dictata de circumstante si adesea se confunda cu nebunia..


Sunt de acord cu tine in tot ce spui si-ti spun asta la modul cel mai serios. Dezechilibrul mintal, in general nu trezeste in mine dispret pentru persoanele dezechilibrate ci pur si simplu parere de rau pentru cel in cauza. La un moment dat insa cand nebunia, dezechilibrul, devin agresive raspund si eu agresiv.


Iti mai spun inca un lucru pe care poti sa-l crezi sau nu dar care e foarte cunoscut in domeniul psihiatric. Orice persoana dezechilibrata este tratata cu simpatie si intelegere, dar in momentul in care persoana respectiva devine agresiva, psihiatrul renunta la tonul intelegator, nu pentru ca nu ar mai avea simpatie si intelegere pentru pacient, ci pentru ca e clar ca tactica intitiala (simpatie, vorba buna etc.) nu mai are nici un efect.


Bineinteles ca noi nu suntem la psihiatru dar ti-am scris toate astea ca sa intelegi ca atunci cand ai de-a face cu nebuni, tonul se poate schimba la un moment dat. Eu nu consider ca e normal sa lasi nebunii sa se desfasoare si singura ta reactie sa fie "hai mai copii, linistiti-va".

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Nu sunt suparat pe oamenii din US, in general sunt oameni buni dar sunt mintiti de conducatori, si corporatii - astea conduc de fapt America. Corporatiile sunt expresii impersonale ale lacomiei oamenilor.

Nu ma intereseaza masonii, evreii sau altii despre care de obicei se spune ca sunt in spatele conspiratiilor. Cine e implicat in 9/11 e doar un bandit, indiferent de rasa, religie sau gradul 50 masonic pe care il are.

Libertatea unui om nu depinde de lumea exterioara. Nici nu sunt suparat pe Bush si ai lui pentru tot ce fac, nu merita. Vad viata mai mult ca aici : , nu mai sunt stresat de NWO.

Asta nu inseamna ca nu am de gand sa mai postez despre ce se mai afla ca planuiesc astia cu New World Order, aceiasi care au inceput totul cu 9/11, nu am nimic cu ei, nu trebuie sa judeci pe nimeni, dar lumea trebuie sa vada si sa scape din sistemul asta mentinut de ei si intarit cu fiecare noua stire in mass media : muncitor-consumator , ma supara cineva plec la razboi !, petrol, "economie mondiala" ,etc etc. Suntem mai mult decat atat

Nu trebuie sa gandim in "cutie" daca cineva ne da o intrebare si pune doua variante de raspuns - in viata reala nu la un test cu reguli de test, intotdeauna sa ne gandim la alte variante de raspuns , nu trebuie sa ramanem blocati pe ce ne-a oferit el hipnotizati ca sunt doar 2 alegeri si nu se poate altfel



Un soldat si experienta lui in Irak :


Joshua Key, 28, was a poor, uneducated Oklahoma country boy who saw the U.S. army and its promised benefits -- from free health care to career training -- as the ticket to a better life. In 2002, not yet 24 but already married and the father of two , Key enlisted. He says his recruiting officer promised he'd never be deployed abroad, but a year later he was in Iraq. Only 24 hours after arriving, as Key recounts in The Deserter's Tale (Anansi), he experienced his first doubts about what he and his fellow soldiers were doing there:


I was awakened at 3 a.m. that first night and told to get my ass up quickly because in one hour we were going to raid a house full of terrorists. Capt. Conde and some sergeants showed me and my squad mates a satellite photo of a house and a drawing of the layout of the inside. Our assignment was to blow off the door, burst into the house, raid it fast and raid it good -- looking for contraband, caches of weapons, signs of terrorists or terrorist activity, then rounding up the men and getting out damn fast. The longer we stayed in any one location, the longer somebody would have to put us in the sights of a rocket-propelled grenade or lob mortars at us


I hadn't been in Iraq more than 24 hours and already I was having strange feelings. First, I was vulnerable, and I didn't like it. Even with all these soldiers and all this equipment, I knew that anywhere, at any time, any Iraqi with a gun, a wall to hide behind, and one decent eye could pick me off faster than a hawk nabs a mouse. Second, with hardly one foot into the war, I was also uneasy about what we were doing there. Something was amiss. We hadn't found anything in this girl's house, but we had busted it up pretty well in 30 minutes and had taken away her brothers. Inside, another squad was still ransacking the house. I didn't enjoy being stuck guarding this girl under the carport, in the cool April air before dawn in Ramadi. Her questions haunted me, and I didn't like not being able to answer them -- even to myself.


Busting into and ransacking homes remained one of my most common duties in Iraq. Before my time was up, I took part in about 200 raids. We never found weapons or indications of terrorism. I never found a thing that seemed to justify the terror we inflicted every time we blasted through the door of a civilian home, broke everything in sight, punched and zipcuffed the men, and sent them away. One raid was far worse.


Then something happened that haunts my dreams to this day. All the women were led back inside the house and our entire platoon was ordered to stand guard outside it. Four U.S. military men entered the house with the women. They closed the doors. We couldn't see anything through the windows. I don't know who the military men were, or what unit they were from, but I can only conclude that they outranked us and were at least at the level of first lieutenant or above. That's because our own second lieutenant Joyce was there, and his presence did not deter them.


It struck me then that we, the American soldiers, were the terrorists. We were terrorizing Iraqis. Intimidating them. Beating them. Destroying their homes. Probably raping them. The ones we didn't kill had all the reasons in the world to become terrorists themselves. Given what we were doing to them, who could blame them for wanting to kill us, and all Americans? A sick realization lodged like a cancer in my gut. It grew and festered, and troubled me more with every passing day. We, the Americans, had become the terrorists in Iraq.


Joshua Key a dezertat din US Army in 2003 :

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Jet Li - super comentariu


La o natiune debusolata, ignoranta cum e cea americana - o mana forte va veni manusa si va fi intampinata intr-un ropot de apluze texane si evangheliste.... trei~patru copiii rapiti omorati violent si asta va fi un motiv ca sa "cip-eze" urmatoarele generatii de sclavi pentru siguranta lor.

Editat de Asfaloth

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America....tara cladita pe cadavrele bastinasilor amerindieni...

Tara construita cu Biblia in sanga si cu gun-ul in dreapta...Cand fondul ''desperadosilor''colonizatori s-a stabilit,au venit bine din umbra'' PROFITORII.''..acestia au preluat in 100 de ani TOT.

Traditia lor de a'' civiliza'' lumea a ramas aceeasi, cu GUN-ul in mana dreapta ...

Tot s-a discutat pe forum despre 11.09 .E ok ,dar nimeni nu mai vorbeste de SERBIA.Vai ce baieti buni erau musulmanii atunci ,cata mila le-a fost americanilor de ei ....Sarbii nu aveau dreptul sa-si apere populatia hacuita de bandele de mujahedini adunati din toate colturile orientului.Sarbii erau rai...

Au mai trecut ceva ani si iata ca acum mujahedinii sunt rai ,sunt teroristii...Creatia CIA si-a atins scopul...

Si atunci de ce sa mai vb de moralitatea politicii americane ??Mai are rost ??


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alte filme cu si despre cretinismul si obezitatea americana :


Texas - Wallmart - grasanii la cumparaturi :

no comment : si asa este peste tot in state - niste imbuibati imbecilizati de sistem care zbiara cand vorbesc...



Asta e Noua America ! burta imbuibata de junk, creierul anesteziat in bere, atentia excitata de televizor, Wii, Playstation, urchile in Ipod, casa de carton cu peluza imbibata in chimicale, masini care le faci plinul dupa 80 KM + evanghelism fanatic

taxe de proprietate fulminante 6% / an din valoarea casei - vorbim de sume de peste 12~18mii USD care merg la guvern


Si nimeni nu stie ce e de fapt Federal Reserve Bank !!!


Welcome to America 2.0 !!! (just a f$$$ing illusion)

Editat de Schimbarea2012

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unii cam obezi altii cam dezaxati... pai cine a zis ca exista perfectiune??? :jester: aaaa... cred ca exista si d'astia :jester:

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Asa sunt unii mai grasi , nu s toti asa :jester:

Aici un video de care Vadim ar fi mandru :



Muzica, copii cu stegulete, "luptam pentru libertatea noastra" etc. Cei care inca sustin razboiul in Irak, o fac pentru ca nu au alte idei, au fost speriati ca vin teroristii lui Ossama. Toti spun "aveam de ales intre sa luptam sau sa ne pierdem libertatea". Cine stie ii invadau teroristii care traversau Atlanticul calare pe matura. Ei sustin in continuare razboiul din lipsa de idei, nu prea se pot retrage, si nu stiu ce altceva sa faca.

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