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Mai sunt o duzina de topice initiate de Hormonyann...

Ce nu inteleg eu este de ce trebuie sa asociem neaparat temele despre sex cu atributul 'liber'.

Ca si cand e un tabu si aici e o oaza de nonconformism.

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sa discutam liber despre sex



salut sun un baiat de 17 ani si imi plac femeile.dar sa vedeti ce mi sa intamplat.intro noapte deodata mam trezit din visat ca eram cu baiatul xxl si faceam sex .m-am atunci in gandurile mele numai e acest baiat iar fiecare data cand fac laba ma gandesc la el ca ce bine ar fi sa i-o trag.chiar imi imaginez cum intra si iese si cum ma izbucnez de corpul lui.ajutatima ce am.cum pot sa trec peste asta.ajutatima cu sfaturi cum pot sal fac ca sa fie cumine macar odata sa facem sex. ajutatima urgent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Editat de heidy_

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Acest caz sa fie aplicat cat mai des:

Henry Cook of Trotteslyve (Kent) and his wife were summoned because each has turned away from the other and they do not live together. Both appear in person. And Henry then alleged that he did not know why his wife left him but she behaved as badly as possible towards him, with contumelious words and other evil deeds, as he asserts. His [unamed] wife said that her said husband loved several other women and therefore had a malevolent mind towards her, and she could not go on living with Henry on account of his cruelty. Finally both of them swore after touching the gospels that they would live together in future and give each other the usual conjugal services ("suffragia"), and that she [blank left for name] will now be humble and "familiaris" with her husband and not fighting, contumelious or insulting; and that the husband will treat his wife with marital affection from now on ... [1347. REGISTRUM HAMONIS HETHE, ed. Johnson, p. 974, courtesy Larry Poos.]

Imi place extrem.....conjugal services......

Mai apoi, barbatii porci sa aiba parte de minunatele fapturi ce suntem.....doar asa ( pun cazul intreg ca sa inteleaga lumea)

John Marabel, a married man, is cited of adultery and incest with Alice, daughter of Robert de Wywell, daughter of the said John's wife. The man appears and admits (his sin). The woman is not found. And John is forbidden from coition with either the mother or the daughter in future, unless the mother, who is the wife, seeks the debt and he pays it with sadness. And he will have as penance to make a pilgrimage with bare feet to St. Mary at Lincoln, to St. Thomas [becket] at Canterbury, and to [st. Thomas Cantilupe] at Hereford and to beatings in penitential fashion round the church and round the marketplace of Grantham. And he will forswear the sin and suspect locations for the said Alice under pain of 40/-. It is later held that the same John on his pilgrimage would take much from his said wife, (so) the penance was changed so that he will fast on bread and water as long as he lives every fourth and sixth week, unless work or sickness prevents this... We John warn thee, the aforesaid John, once, twice and a third time that you, having been parted for good from your wife, will eject the said Alice from your company within the next six days under pain of greater excommunication which is now (pronounced) most firmly on your person in these writings if you should disdain to carry out the aforegoing. [1347. Lincoln Dean and Chapter, A/2/24, fo. 72v, courtesy Poos.] Deci, sa remarcam , aceeasi datorie conjugala, este platita cu tristete. Barbatii sa faca sex doar cu tristete.

Editat de Kilkoana

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eeee esti adolescent ..inca nu ai ajuns sa te descoperi dstul de adolescenta esti cumva in descoperirea proprie vietii si totul te cam stii exact ce iti place si ce nu...dar eu zic nu te ingrijora...cred ca fiecare am avut probabil momente in care ne uitam la persoane de acelasi sex sau am avut o oarecare atractie fata de ele...

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si ce sa fac?

accepta-ti trairile....nimic mai greu...bucurate de fiecare lucru ce il simti.... pentru ca la un momendat totul se va limpezii in capusorul tau...pana atunci nu te rusina cu ceea ceesti...toti trecem prin chestii de genul...invata sa te la momentul potrivit veii sti care e situatia

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salut sun un baiat de 17 ani si imi plac femeile.dar sa vedeti ce mi sa intamplat.intro noapte deodata mam trezit din visat ca eram cu baiatul xxl si faceam sex .m-am atunci in gandurile mele numai e acest baiat iar fiecare data cand fac laba ma gandesc la el ca ce bine ar fi sa i-o trag.chiar imi imaginez cum intra si iese si cum ma izbucnez de corpul lui.ajutatima ce am.cum pot sa trec peste asta.ajutatima cu sfaturi cum pot sal fac ca sa fie cumine macar odata sa facem sex. ajutatima urgent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


De ce ebaiatul xxl? O are xxl?

In asta ce te gandesti....partea in ce nu ce bine ar fi sa te....... el in popou :roll: :-

Ce inseamna cuvantul izbucnez? Are legatura cu buca?

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Cineva sufera...........profund :roll:

Ce vrei sa discuti liber darling ca numa strigi sa te ajute si dai copy paste. Ce vrei sa ti-l rapeasca careva sa il aduca legat la tine?

Editat de joannahart

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