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Pai daca dumnezeul musulmanilor este ....dracu ... si musulmanii i se supun ... te miri ca vezi atata ura, si fanatism ?

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Pai daca dumnezeul musulmanilor este ....dracu ... si musulmanii i se supun ... te miri ca vezi atata ura, si fanatism ?

Nu cred ca ei ar fi de accord.....



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Teacher held for teddy bear 'blasphemy'

By Terri Judd

Published: 27 November 2007


A British primary school teacher in Sudan is facing 40 lashes and up to a year in jail for allowing her pupils to name a teddy bear after the Prophet Mohamed. Gillian Gibbons has been imprisoned under strict blasphemy laws for showing "contempt and disrespect against the believers".


Colleagues of Ms Gibbons, 54, from Liverpool, claim she made an "innocent mistake" by allowing her class of seven year-olds to choose the name. But she was accused of insulting Islam's holiest prophet and arrested. Her actions have sparked protests in Sudan and forced the school to close until January for fear of reprisals.


Ms Gibbons' friends and colleagues said any suggestion that she would have intentionally caused offence was ridiculous.


She is being held at a police station in the Sudanese capital, Khartoum. She was said to be in good health but shaken when British embassy officials visited her yesterday. The Foreign Office said she had not been charged but detained on suspicion of the crime.


Ms Gibbons had been working at Unity High School, which is popular with wealthy Sudanese and expatriates, since August after leaving her position as deputy head at Dovecot Primary School in Liverpool.


She was taken from her home in the school grounds on Sunday after several parents complained to the Education Ministry.


The school's director, Robert Boulos, said it was such a sensitive issue that he had decided to close the school until January for fear of reprisals in Sudan's predominantly Muslim capital. "We are very worried about her safety," he added. "This was a completely innocent mistake. Ms Gibbons would have never wanted to insult Islam."


The teacher was following a British national curriculum course designed to teach her Year 2 pupils about animals and their habitats. In September, she asked a girl to bring her teddy bear into class so that the children could name the stuffed toy.


Eight names were suggested so, in an attempt to teach the pupils about voting, she held a ballot. Twenty of 23 children chose the name Mohamed. Each child was then allowed to take the bear home at weekends and asked to write a diary about what they did with the toy. Each entry was collected in a book which bore a picture of the bear and the words "My name is Mohamed". Police have confiscated the diary and plan to interview the girl who owned the bear.


The state-controlled Sudanese Media Centre said Ms Gibbons was arrested "under article 125 of the criminal law", on suspicion of insulting faith and religion.


Mr Boulos said the first he knew about the course was last week when he received a phone call from the Education Ministry to say that some Muslim parents had made formal complaints.


One teacher said: "I had no problem with it at all. I know Gillian and she would never have meant it as an insult. I was just impressed she got them to vote." Another source said it was believed that a teacher with a grudge against Ms Gibbons brought the case to a head.


The teacher's friends said she decided to take up the challenge of working in east Africa after separating from her husband of 20 years. She planned to spend two years in Sudan and was finding the work rewarding.


Unity, founded in 1902, is an independent school for Christian and Muslim children aged four to 18 and is governed by a board representing major Christian denominations in Sudan. It prides itself on providing a British-style education to students, whatever their gender, nationality, religion or ethnic origin, "whilst encouraging mutual respect". Ms Gibbons is one of several Western teachers who work there.


She has two children Jessica, 27

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Not according to Wikipedia it isn't "A Muslim (Arabic: مسلم) is an adherent of the religion of Islam. "


Si io am un prieten pakistanez, si in multi arabi si iranieni pe care ii pot intreba (prefer sa nu)...... Si nu s-ar parea sa fie chestii diferite....



nu bre, e vorba de modul cum e privita religia, la asta se refera diferenta.

stai sa ma intalnesc din nou cu amica mea profesoara de religie si revin! :P

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Pai daca dumnezeul musulmanilor este ....dracu ... si musulmanii i se supun ... te miri ca vezi atata ura, si fanatism ?


Si crestinii ce fel de d-zeu au?

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Nu cred ca ei ar fi de accord.....



.... de exemplu noi avem indivizi chiar pe acest forum care insulta mai mult religia, si care nu patesc nimic... Baieti, nu mergeti in Sudan!!! :P


Nu e vorba de nici o insulta ...este vorba de incertitudine !

Se presupune de stiut nu stie nimeni ... ca si Dumnezeu si Dracu sunt zei atotputernici cu "domiciliul" in cer !


De unde sa stie bietul om cui i se inchina ...atunci cand se inchina divinitatii ceresti ?

Dupa ce ne putem da seama care e Dumnezeu si care e dracu?

Nu dupa fapte?


Pai daca faptele sunt ura fanatismul crima si terorismul e acea zeitate ????



Ghici ciuperca cei ????

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Si crestinii ce fel de d-zeu au?



Fiecare din noi avem D-zeul pe care ni-l cream singuri! Daca ar fi sa cauti pe d-zeul "crestinilor" gasesti cateva sute! Spor la treaba! :P :P

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Si crestinii ce fel de d-zeu au?


Pai evident ca tot pe ala pe care il au si muslimii .!

. ..ce nu stii ca acelasi arhanghel Gabriel a fost de servici cu anuntatul lor?

Sau crezi ca arhu gavrila slujeste la doi stapani?

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Pai daca faptele sunt ura fanatismul crima si terorismul e acea zeitate ????

Faptele cui? Ale mele? Ale tale? A lui Bashir din Libia? A lui Dumnezeu?


Cand a fost Dumnezeu terorist?

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daca te referi la Dumnezeul Bibic ...iti dau citate ca sa vezi si tu el a ucis si indemna la crima ....


iar daca te referi la cel al musulmanilor ... la Allah ...atunci cand indemna la crima in numele sau (jihad) si rasplateste criminalii cu 72 de curve in rai!


Mai ai intrebari?

Editat de Sikaryan

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