Obiectul incapatanat si nepotul parazit


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acum 10 ani si 8 luni

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Obiectul incapatanat si nepotul parazit

The Obdurate Object and the Idiot Cousin

curator Jane Neal

Vlad Olariu & Tom Woolner

VERNISAJ: vineri, 19 aprilie, orele 19

OPENING NIGHT: Friday the 19th of April, at 7PM

19 April - 15 May

Jecza Gallery

Expozitia Obiectul incapatanat si nepotul parazit reuneste doi tineri sculptori din Anglia si Romania: Tom Woolner si Vlad Olariu. Ambii artisti au in comun doua preocupari: problema inerenta sculpturii, de a insufleti un obiect neinsufletit si incercarea de a impune vointa artistului asupra unui lucru care se incapataneaza sa fie tridimensional si, prin urmare, este deja "gata facut" - fie el piatra, lemn sau material produs de om. Oricare ar fi natura sa, artistul "descopera" in esenta obiectul impregnat deja cu propriul sau caracter, de unde si denumirea de obiect "incapatanat". "Nepotul parazit" este o referire jucausa la umorul prezent atat in stilul de lucru al lui Woolner, cat si in cel al lui Olariu, ceea ce influenteaza specificul creatiei lor in moduri cu totul diferite.


The Exhibition: The Obdurate Object and the Idiot Cousin brings together two young sculptors from England and Romania: Tom Woolner and Vlad Olariu. Both artists share two concerns: the problem inherent to sculpture of animating an inanimate object, and trying to impose the artist\'s will on something that is stubbornly three dimensional and therefore already a \'ready made\' be it stone, wood or a man made material. Whatever its nature, the object is essentially \'found\' by the artist already imbued with its own character; hence the \'obdurate\' object. The \'idiot cousin\' is a playful reference to the humour that is present in both Woolner and Olariu\'s practices, infusing the character of their practices in distinctly different ways.