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Devin cei ce-si vand sufletul diavolului prin contract cu sange obiecte? Fara suflet mai poti fi om sau obiect? Ce se intampla la moarte fara suflet?

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Doar o intrebare.

Eu cred ca cei ce fac asa ceva nu devin obiecte ci raman oameni.

Oricum venind la Ortodoxie si prin rugaciuni la Maica Domnului, multi din cei ce au facut asta si-au recapatat contractul inapoi si l-au rupt.

Editat de Dimineata

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Oricum venind la Ortodoxie si prin rugaciuni la Maica Domnului, multi din cei ce au facut asta si-au recapatat contractul inapoi si l-au rupt.

De unde stii?


Dar eu nu stiu ce-i ala "contract cu sange".

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Tu in fiecare zi deschizi un topic aberant cu propaganda crestina?

Nu, mai este un evreu care face cam acelasi lucru (dar evident nu propaganda crestina) :cry:

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Aici e povestea in engleza:

"Theophilus was the archdeacon of Adana, Cilicia which is part of modern Turkey. He was unanimously elected to be a bishop, but turned the position down out of humility. Another man was elected in his stead. When the new bishop unjustly deprived Theophilus of his position as archdeacon, Theophilus regretted his humility and sought out a wizard to help him contact Satan. In exchange for his aid, Satan demanded that Theophilus renounce Christ and the Virgin Mary in a contract signed with his own blood. Theophilus complied, and the devil gave him the position as bishop.


Years later, fearful for his soul, Theophilus repented and prayed to the Virgin for forgiveness. After forty days of fasting, the Virgin appeared to him and verbally chastised him. Theophilus begged forgiveness and Mary promised to intercede with God. He then fasted a further thirty days, at which time Mary appeared to him again, and granted him Absolution. However, Satan was unwilling to relinquish his hold over Theophilus, and it was a further three days before Theophilus awoke to find the damning contract on his chest. He then took the contract to the legitimate bishop and confessed all that he had done. The bishop burned the document, and Theophilus expired, out of sheer joy to be free from the burden of his contract."

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Pai da in mare este despre un arhideacon caruia i s-a propus sa devina episcop si a refuzat. Apoi episcopul nou ales s-a gandit sa-l dea afara si arhideaconul s-ar parea ca a facut un contract cu Satan cu ange ca sa-i dea postul de episcop inapoi. Avand remuscari si vrand sa-si salveze sufletul a tinut post 40 de zile si s-a rugat la Maica Domnului care l-a certat si dupa inca 30 de zile de post i-a adus contractul inapoi care a fost rupt. Cam asta e intelegerea mea.

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Cei ce-si dau sufletele diavolului,se vor mantui negresit -e suficient sa moara,si gata,sunt mantuiti.Scrie in Biblie asta:

Corinteni,Capitolul 5


Editat de Arcangelo

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