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Sunt mai nou in ale webdesignului si am nevoie urgenta de rezolvare in urmatoarea problema: am pus un sondaj pe o pagina html dar dupa ce dau vote imi deschide pagina cu voturi si imi arata ca nu-i niciun vot. ar putea fi vorba de o permisiune la scriere care ar trebui data la fisierul care inregistreaza voturile sau e vre-o problema din codul php? Care ar putea fi problema? Multumesc.


codul din pagina html:


<form action=poll.php method=post>

Doriti inca un mandat pentru primarul Neculai Ratoi?<br>

<input type=radio name=vote value="Da"> Da<br>

<input type=radio name=vote value="Nu"> Nu<br>

<input type=radio name=vote value="Nu stiu"> Nu stiu<br>

<input type=radio name=vote value="Da. De arestare"> Da. De arestare<br>

<input type=submit value=Vote>




codul din pagina php:



// title of this poll

$title = "Doriti inca un mandat pentru primarul Neculai Ratoi?";

// closing date for this poll in MM/DD/YYYY format

$closingDate = "1/1/2010";

// text file that stores vote choices and totals

$pollFile = "poll.txt";

// text file that stores IP addresses

$ipFile = "ips.txt";

// full path to your CSS style sheet

$styleSheet = "http://yoursite/style.css"; // leave blank if you aren't using this





// check if the poll has closed

function is_closed() {

global $closingDate;


// split the closing date into month, day, and year

$closingDate = explode("/", $closingDate);


// get today's today to test against the closing date

$today = getdate();


$message = date("l, F j", mktime(0,0,0,$closingDate[0],$closingDate[1],$today[year]));


// if today's year is greater than the closing year, return true

if ($today[year] > $closingDate[2]) {

return $message;


// if today's year is equal to the closing year

elseif ($today[year] == $closingDate[2]) {

// if today's month is greater than the closing month, return true

if ($today[mon] > $closingDate[0]) {

return $message;


// if today's month is equal to the closing month

elseif ($today[mon] == $closingDate[0]) {

// if today is greater than or equal to the closing day, return true

if ($today[mday] >= $closingDate[1]) {

return $message;


// if the poll is still open, return false

else {

return false;



// if the poll is still open, return false

else {

return false;



// if the poll is still open, return false

else {

return false;




// check if the user has already voted

function has_voted() {

global $ipFile;

global $REMOTE_ADDR;


// open the IP address file

$ips = fopen($ipFile, "r");


// compare each entry with the user's IP address

while (!feof($ips)) {

$ip = fgets($ips, 20);


if ($ip == $REMOTE_ADDR . "\r\n") {

$match = 1;





// close the IP address file



if (!$match) {

// reopen the IP address file

$ips = fopen($ipFile, "a");


// add the user's IP address

fputs($ips, $REMOTE_ADDR . "\r\n");


// close the IP address file



return false;


else {

return true;




// add the user's vote

function addVote($vote) {

global $pollFile;


// get the current votes

$fp_read = fopen($pollFile, "r");

$currentVote = fread($fp_read, filesize($pollFile));



// create an array with even numbers containing vote choices

// and odds containing vote totals

$votes = split('[|:]', $currentVote);


// update the vote

for ($i = 1; $i < count($votes); $i = $i + 2) {

// get the array index number for the name of this vote

$name = $i - 1;


// if this vote choice is this user's selection, increment it

if ($votes[$name] == $vote) {




// if this vote IS the last choice

if ($i == (count($votes) - 1)) {

$updatedVote .= $votes[$name] . ":" . $votes[$i];



// if this vote is NOT the last choice

else {

$updatedVote .= $votes[$name] . ":" . $votes[$i] . "|";




// save the updated vote

$fp_write = fopen($pollFile, "w");

fputs($fp_write, $updatedVote);




// display the poll

function displayPoll($message) {

global $title, $pollFile, $styleSheet;


echo "<html>\n";

echo "<head>\n";

echo "<title>$title</title>\n";

echo "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"$styleSheet\">\n";

echo "</head>\n\n";

echo "<body>\n";


// get the current votes

$fp_read = fopen($pollFile, "r");

$currentVote = fread($fp_read, filesize($pollFile));



// create an array with even numbers containing vote choices

// and odds containing vote totals

$votes = split('[|:]', $currentVote);


// if a message was sent, print it

if (isset($message)) {

echo "<p align=center>$message</p>\n\n";



echo "<table align=center>\n";

echo "<caption align=top><b>$title</b></caption>\n";


// print the poll table rows

// including vote choice, vote total, and percentage of total votes

for ($i = 1; $i < count($votes); $i = $i + 2)


// add together each vote total to find the total number of votes cast

$totalVotes += $votes[$i];



for ($i = 1; $i < count($votes); $i = $i + 2) {

// get the array index number for the name of this vote

$name = $i - 1;


// calculate the percentage of total votes for this vote

// rounded to 1 decimal place

if ($totalVotes == 0) {

$percentage = 0;


else {

$percentage = $votes[$i] / $totalVotes * 100;

$percentage = round($percentage, 1);



echo "<tr>\n";

echo "\t<td>$votes[$name]</td>\n";

echo "\t<td>$votes[$i] votes</td>\n";


// if the percentage is 0, don't print a bar

if ($percentage == 0) {

echo "\t<td>$percentage%</td>\n";



// otherwise, print the bar

else {

echo "\t<td><img src=poll.jpg width=$percentage height=15> $percentage%</td>\n";



echo "</tr>\n";



// print the total number of votes cast

echo "<caption align=bottom>Total Votes: $totalVotes</caption>\n";


// finish printing the poll table

echo "</table>\n";

echo "</body>\n";

echo "</html>\n";





// if the poll is closed, display the poll and exit

if ($message = is_closed()) {

displayPoll("The poll closed on " . $message . ".");




// if the user is not voting, display the poll and exit

if (!isset($vote)) {





// if the user has already voted, display the poll and exit

if (has_voted()) {

displayPoll("You already voted.");




// add the user's vote



// display the poll




codul din pagina txt:


Da:0|Nu:0|Nu stiu:0|Da. De arestare:0|

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