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Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn

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nu,dar e interesant puterea unei femei in acea vreme,cand femeile nu aveau nici un cuvant de spus


Cred ca mai degraba nu i-a placut de el ca barbat ! sic... ceea ce confirma faptul ca in realitate barbatii nu joaca singuri la masa de sah ! :lol2:

pai la inceput nu-l placea,mai mult ca sigur il ura pt ca nu a lasat-o sa se casatoreasca cu Henry Percy

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nu,dar e interesant puterea unei femei in acea vreme,cand femeile nu aveau nici un cuvant de spus


Au existat mereu femei care au demonstrat putere si influenta asupra timpurilor.

Cleopatra,Hatsheput,Nefertiti,Diane de Poitier,Caterina de Medici,Catherine the Great.



pai la inceput nu-l placea,mai mult ca sigur il ura pt ca nu a lasat-o sa se casatoreasca cu Henry Percy

Familia ei nu a lasat-o sa se casatoresca cu ala.Ei aveau alte planuri pentru fapt pentru ei sunt cei care au profitat cel mai mult de pe urma celor doua fete ale lor.

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Familia ei nu a lasat-o sa se casatoresca cu ala.Ei aveau alte planuri pentru fapt pentru ei sunt cei care au profitat cel mai mult de pe urma celor doua fete ale lor.

Eu am citit ca Henry

"As the daughter of an ambitious courtier and niece of the duke of Norfolk, she was invited to serve at court as lady-in-waiting to Katharine of Aragon. It was here that she caught the attention of King Henry. Anne, however, had fallen in love with Lord Henry Percy, heir to the earl of Northumberland. They were secretly engaged and planned to marry. As Cavendish's account makes plain, King Henry ordered Cardinal Wolsey to end the engagement,and the Cardinal did so."

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Eu am citit ca Henry

"As the daughter of an ambitious courtier and niece of the duke of Norfolk, she was invited to serve at court as lady-in-waiting to Katharine of Aragon. It was here that she caught the attention of King Henry. Anne, however, had fallen in love with Lord Henry Percy, heir to the earl of Northumberland. They were secretly engaged and planned to marry. As Cavendish's account makes plain, King Henry ordered Cardinal Wolsey to end the engagement,and the Cardinal did so."



"According to Karen Lindsey, only one person suggested that the betrothal of Percy and Anne Boleyn was broken at Henry

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Eu am citit ca Henry

"As the daughter of an ambitious courtier and niece of the duke of Norfolk, she was invited to serve at court as lady-in-waiting to Katharine of Aragon. It was here that she caught the attention of King Henry. Anne, however, had fallen in love with Lord Henry Percy, heir to the earl of Northumberland. They were secretly engaged and planned to marry. As Cavendish's account makes plain, King Henry ordered Cardinal Wolsey to end the engagement,and the Cardinal did so."

Asa este, iar familia ei a inchis-o in casa la ordinele regelui. Ce profit mai avantajos sa aiba decat sa ajunga regina ! :rot:

Cert e ca Henry a dat vina pe Wolsey, cum ca Anne ar fi fost de rang inferior lui Henry pe linie materna, bla, bla... iar pe de alta parte, dupa ce a inmormantat pisica s-a asteptat din partea ei la mai mult "dragalasenie". Un dobitoc, pentru ca iata ce ii declarase Anne (i-a mai dat si idei, ca daca era vrajitoare si ar fi stiut ce-o pandeste, s-ar fi abtinut :lol2:):

According to Eric W. Ives, Anne said to Henry in 1530, "It is foretold in ancient prophesies that at this time a queen shall be burnt. But even if I were to suffer a thousand deaths, my love for you would not abate one jot."

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Asa este, iar familia ei a inchis-o in casa la ordinele regelui. Ce profit mai avantajos sa aiba decat sa ajunga regina ! :rot:

Cert e ca Henry a dat vina pe Wolsey, cum ca Anne ar fi fost de rang inferior lui Henry pe linie materna, bla, bla... iar pe de alta parte, dupa ce a inmormantat pisica s-a asteptat din partea ei la mai mult "dragalasenie". Un dobitoc, pentru ca iata ce ii declarase Anne (i-a mai dat si idei, ca daca era vrajitoare si ar fi stiut ce-o pandeste, s-ar fi abtinut :lol2:):

According to Eric W. Ives, Anne said to Henry in 1530, "It is foretold in ancient prophesies that at this time a queen shall be burnt. But even if I were to suffer a thousand deaths, my love for you would not abate one jot."

Anne pana la urma chiar s-a indragostit de el, si cred ca ea e judecata prea aspru,nu a fost asa de rea cum se crede

si am mai citit ca fantoma lu Anne Boleyn bantuie prin palat,cine stie daca e adevarat sau alte inventii

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Anne pana la urma chiar s-a indragostit de el, si cred ca ea e judecata prea aspru,nu a fost asa de rea cum se crede

si am mai citit ca fantoma lu Anne Boleyn bantuie prin palat,cine stie daca e adevarat sau alte inventii

Englezii beau si mananca bine in general, so noaptea nu prea pot sa doarma si mai cheama fantomele la un chat !! :lol2:

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Englezii beau si mananca bine in general, so noaptea nu prea pot sa doarma si mai cheama fantomele la un chat !! :lol2:

ai fost tare :rot:


inca ceva :yes: de ce henry a hotarat sa nu fie arsa pe rug, ci sa fie decapitata si mai ales de cel mai bun,ii mai pasa cat de putin de ea?

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am mai citit ca fantoma lu Anne Boleyn bantuie prin palat,cine stie daca e adevarat sau alte inventii


Cine crede in fantome si chestii din astea e firesc sa creada ca acest lucru ar fi posibil si adevarat.Pentru cei care nu cred....sunt inventii.


inca ceva :lol2: de ce henry a hotarat sa nu fie arsa pe rug, ci sa fie decapitata si mai ales de cel mai bun,ii mai pasa cat de putin de ea?


Historical background.Beheading in Britain.

Beheading with a sword or axe goes back a very long way in history, because like hanging, it was a cheap and practical method of execution in early times when a sword or an axe was always readily available.

Beheading was confined to those of noble birth who were convicted of treason and was an alternative to the normal punishments for this crime. Men convicted of High Treason were condemned to hanged drawn and quartered and women to be burned at the stake. In the case of the nobility the monarch could vary these punishments to death by beheading. Beheading was both far less painful and considered far less dishonourable than the normal methods.


Rezumat tradus: Ieftin,practic.Decapitarea era rezervata pentru cei de sange nobil pentru ca era considerata fara durere sau mai putin dureroasa si mai mutin dezonorabila decat alte metode de executie.


The execution of Anne Boleyn.

Fortunately for Anne, he chose the latter and perhaps through a pang of conscience imported a skilled headsman from Calais in France to ensure the execution was performed as humanely as possible. British hangmen normally got the job of beheading those condemned but were generally very poor at it due to the rarity of such sentences.


Posibil ca constiinta sa fi jucat un rol in decizia lui Henry de o decapita cu sabia de catre un calau profesionist si vestit ca sa asigure o executie rapida.Calaii in Anglia nu prea erau maestri la decapitat si se stiu cazuri multe cand nu nimereau din prima lovitura sau nu taiau complet capul facand ca victima sa sufere.

Editat de Naeema

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ai fost tare :lol2:


inca ceva :yes: de ce henry a hotarat sa nu fie arsa pe rug, ci sa fie decapitata si mai ales de cel mai bun,ii mai pasa cat de putin de ea?

common sense... That is an english man !


Nice chat... Ladies, good night ! :rot:

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