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Textul e lung, si din ce am putut citi, totul este la nivel de ipoteza, si sinceri sa fim, nici macar atat, caci o ipoteza stiintifica propune o explicatie unui fenomen observat si acceptat de comunitatea stiintifica.

Insa zicand ca e o ipoteza, nu pot sa spun decat ca ea ramane a fi confirmata de test si experiment. Fara asta, nu avem mare lucru. Din ce stiu, zona dinspre centrul pamantului este inca destul de necunoscuta . . . diverse ipoteze propunand miez de fier, altii oxizi lichizi, si or mai fi si altele . . . cat timp nu suntem in stare decat sa zgariem scoarta (foraj max 11 km, parca), o sa fie greu sa stim ce e in adancuri, desi, personal cred ca se pot imagina si se vor imagina experimente care sa nu faca necesara explorarea directa a miezului.


Cela, eu nu ti-am cerut parerea despre vreo maculatura italiana (?), ci despre un patent stiintific in care legile fizicii joaca un rol important. Te rog sa ma crezi ca si mie imi "repugna" textele si discutiile sterile.

Cred ca este vorba de o neintelegere. Hai sa o luam de la capat, citind textul de mai jos. Intrebarea mea este, daca jocul dintre forta centrifuga si forta gravitationala poate conduce in cazul Pamantului la o sfera goala, adica fara miez?


United States Patent 1096102:

The Hollow Earth Theory

by Mark Harp

107 North Holmes, Memphis, Tn. 38111

This article was published first in the January, 1995 issue of NEXUS, international science and freedom magazine. If unaltered, anyone is welcome to use this article. I permanently will retain the rights.

On November 25, 1912 Marshall B. Gardner of Aurora, Kane County, Illinois, USA, submitted his discovery application to the United States Patent Office. 18 months later, on May 12,1914, this federal agency granted Mr. Gardner United States patent 1096102, the second most important scientific document ever issued. Its scientific significance is exceeded only by the mechanical flight discovery of Orville and Wilbur Wright in 1903. For reasons which even Mr. Gardner could not have fully anticipated in the early 1900s, and which are now abundantly clear, his discovery soon became the most highly classified military secret of all time. In 1913 Gardner wrote his original book proving beyond any doubt that our Earth is a hollow sphere. So voluminous was the evidence which he continued to amass from studies of astronomy and Polar exploration, that he expanded his book to 450 pages in 1920.


Although he seems not to have been aware of it, Gardner's work had incompletely been preceded by William Reed, whose book PHANTOM OF THE POLES was 281 pages and was published in 1906 New York City by the Walter S. Rockey Company. The one shortcoming with Mr. Reed's theory, otherwise very intelligently developed, was that he had failed to finish his centrifugal force reasoning regarding Earth's formation As a result, he was never able to logically account for the powerful source of heat and illumination present in the Earth's Interior. Gardner, on the other hand, did account for this source. The difference is that whereas Reed confined his research strictly to Polar exploration, Gardner augmented this with studies of astronomy. The majority of this article will be testimony from the real experts, the people who were there at the huge telescopes and especially there in those vast and previously mysterious Polar regions. But first, this is the common sense theory responsible for United States patent 1096102.

In the beginning, some 4 or 5 billion years ago, when the Earth was still an enormously expanded ball of superhot whirling gas, it gradually began to contract as it cooled. The laws of physics require cooling gases to condense and so the rapidly spinning sphere of tenuous gases began to concentrate as the heat loss continued. Self-centered gravitational attraction kept reducing the diameter of the whirling ball of cooling material...but only to a certain extent. This is the big logical distinction between the old inadequate theory of planetary formation and Gardner's discovery. The old notion would have us believe that the gravitational contraction continued unabated until the Earth had become molten hot under a fierce gravitational pressure. While such a scenario undoubtedly does routinely occur in the celestial evolution of particularly immense bodies, as is the case with all stars, it is definetly not the final development of typical planets.

The crucial second factor to lay stress on is centrifugal force. Remember that while gravity is attempting to draw all of the material toward the center, there is an opposing force also at work centrifugal force. Just as a figure skater spins much more rapidly when she brings her outstretched arms tightly in against her body, so too did the ever contracting proto-planet begin rotating ever more rapidly as its size decreased. Like the glued water in a bucket that refuses to spill if one swings the bucket in a fast circle, so too was this same law of motion centrifugal force attempting to hurl all of the material outward from the forming planet's axis of rotation. So finally, in this silent titanic struggle between two natural forces, a balance was struck. When the swiftly whirling sphere had drawn itself down to an approximately 8000 mile diameter, the compromise between gravitational and centrifugal force was reached. But there is more.

There is a special characteristic of centrifugal force and we must not overlook this important trait. The strength of 'c' force becomes greatly lessened as it approachs right angles to the direction of spin. A simple day-to-day example of this behavior is water in a basin. If you remove the drain plug and allow the water to start emptying from the basin, what will you eventually observe? A vortex or whirlpool, an empty space surrounded by rapidly rotating material. Now imagine this same principal in action concerning the contracting body which was to become our Earth. At right angles to the rotational axis, in other words the 'poles', the c force was considerably weaker than elsewhere, especially the equator, therefore although at the Earth's equator the c force was able to halt the material's inward progress at about an 8000 mile diameter, it was considerably less successful in the Polar regions, there stopping the contraction at about 1400 miles. The inevitable outcome of this natural compromise is that our planet concluded its evolution and solidified as an 8000 mile hollow sphere with 1400 mile diameter Polar Openings.

Now it is at this stage in the logic that Gardner advances and Reed falters. Because of his study of astronomical records and photography as specifically relating to nebula and comets, Gardner became aware of the whole truth. In the precise center of these translucent spheres is a proportionally small incandescent ball. Between this luminous interior orb and the shell of the nebula is a large intervening space; said another way, the nebula is hollow except for the bright sphere in its center. Why? Well, where is the one other location at at which c force is quite weak, besides at the poles? The answer of course is at the precise center of rotation, and once again the logic is so straightforward that we may readily examine a common household example to support the arguement. What would be the result if you sprinkled a layer of powder upon the top of a record player and then turned the record on high speed? The powder would fly off of the record...except for a small portion at the precise center.

Based upon his studies of the planetary nebula through observatory photographs, Gardner was able to surmise that the very thick shell of the Earth is approximately 800 miles thick, the Polar Openings 1400 miles across, and the gravitationally suspended Central Sun (the incandescent orb locked by gravity in the exact planetary center) some 600 miles diameter. Because of the enormity and very gradual curve of the Polar Aperture, it is impossible to visually detect it; this is the same as the fact that we do not 'see' that the Earth itself is round. The curve is much too gradual to observe. Based on the nearly constant merger of warm interior air with very cold exterior Polar air, the Polar Openings are almost always covered by a thick cloud layer. This explains why when viewed from satellites the openings look just as they would if there actually were the mythical 'polar ice caps' which government policy claims are at the Earth's extremities. Gardner was led inexorably to his monumental science discovery by the vast quantity of inconsistent information which he continually encountered during his years of study dealing with, especially, high Arctic expeditions. Chief among the numerous mysteries are

1) a dramatically improving climate in the very far north,

2) the extreme peculiarity of the famous Northern Lights or Aurora Borealis, and

3) the eccentric behavior of the compass in very high latitudes


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greu de spus daca este adevarat sau nu . stiu ca exista dovezi la vatican care daca ar fi cunoscute de oamnei ar creia un mare soc insa nu stiu depre ce poate fi vorba. oricum ceia ce stiu eu e ca dumnezeu exista si nu poate fi vb de asta . dar daca imi pun imaginatia la contributie as putea crede ca acoolo ar fi secrete care ar spune cand va fi sfarsitul pamantului. in apocalipsa din biblie se vb de foarte multe lucruri insa nu clar ci codificat . insa cred ca e scris asa pt ca sa se poata intelege mai tarziu si la timpul potivit foarte multe lucruri. mi-am dat o parere paoet sa fie aiurea eu nu stiu ce sa zic.....oricum dumnezeu exisat indicutabil.

Editat de nicku3se

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Simplu: Isus Cristos a fost om adevarat si este Dumnezeu adevarat - pentru cine crede!

Corect. Dar fiecare dintre noi, oamenii, sintem capabili de aceleasi lucruri ca si ei. Pacat ca foarte multi nici macar nu sint constienti de asta.

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Dumnezeul Vechiului Testament ne spune ca suntem dumnezei, iar Evangheliile ne indeamna sa ne consideram fratii lui Isus Cristos...

daca nu constientizam ca suntem capabili de... foarte multe lucruri, este poate si pentru ca nu avem destula credinta!

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Multam, s-a facut lumina si la mine acum :P


Banuiam eu ceva dar acum ... :- :)

Editat de ellla

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si..chestiile astea chiar sunt adevarate?... chef de stat cu gura casca!!!ca mine!!!!

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Cela si aici am o postare pe care ai trecut-o cu vederea. Articolul in limba engleza. Astept cu nerabdare raspuns.

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