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Polul Nord se dezgheata

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Dacă ai date concrete despre gheţarii de-acum 12.500 de ani, discutăm. Dacă nu, e pierdere de vreme. :D


NU vreau sa discutam. Discutia cu tine E o pierdere de vreme. Asa ca te rog, am postat un link, nu simt nevoia sa te conving de ceva sau sa te pacalesc, in fapt pe acel link nici nu scria "pt. Harald". OK? Move on.

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Poate atunci era mai cald decat acum, dar pe atunci nu erau atati oameni pe planeta ca sa aiba probleme, se mutau daca trebuia, aveau unde.

Ăsta e aspectul cel mai important. Uragane, cutremure, mari inundaţ fost la fel

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What's changed is that powerful new sources of demand are emerging. In addition to U.S. government incentives that encourage businesses to turn corn and soybeans into motor fuel, the growing economies of Asia and Latin America are enabling hundreds of millions of people to spend more on food. A growing middle class in these regions is eating more meat and milk, which in turn is increasing demand for grain to feed livestock.


Global grain stockpiles are being drawn down to their tightest levels in three decades, leaving the world vulnerable to shocks brought on by bad harvests.

And it's far from clear how much more land could be brought into production or to what extent advances in biotechnology might increase crop yields in the future.


Next year is shaping up to be the third in a row in which the world consumes more grain to make fuel, food and livestock feed than it harvests. The trend is helping reduce global grain stockpiles to their lowest point relative to consumption since the mid-1970s

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George Carlin - Saving the Planet

Asta ar trebui postată la Religie şi Spiritualitate :spiteful: Dacă nimic nu e

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