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First, add the -console command-line parameter to the shortcut for your game.

Open the console in-game by pressing [~] (tilde). You can then type any of the

following cheats.


Cum fac ceea ce imi zice mai sus???????????????

Editat de ganea89

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Prima etapa: First, add the -console command-line parameter to the shortcut for your game.


Deci click dreapta pe iconul de lansare si alegi Properties; In campul Target, din ferestra care se deschide, adaugi la sfarsit un spatiu si "-console"


A doua etapa: Open the console in-game by pressing [~] (tilde). You can then type any of the

following cheats.


Cand esti in joc, apesi pe tasta ~ (in general stanga sus, langa 1).. O sa apara o consola in care poti sa introduci codurile respective...


Have fun!

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