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:crazy: Here is nothing more to be found than books, books and then, even more books. :bye: :bye: Parchments and older writings can also be consulted for answers about different concepts that the magic confluence of Portalia holds. :orc: It may take a forever to enlist all, so you just search for what is needed right now. :crazy: Curiosity about magic classes or professions, spells and other magical enchantments, or just about any abstract magic thing - shall be revealed in here. :hi:






Editat de Asfaloth

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~* The druid:


> The druid is a basic class for the ones that want to follow Nature's magics. Usually, it is associated with Earth major elemental. Due to it's very general aspect, druids will most certain advance to other Nature-based professions. The next most powerfull class is Archdruid, based on nature and nature only, deep in the wilds and far from four-walls civilisation.


> Though several other paths may be adopted as well, moving a bit away from the normal druid. One is more to magic, so that the individual becomes a magician: with Air, Water, Fire, Earth or any of their sub-elementals chosen, an amprent is left on the druid's area, and whatever he does best to protect Nature. The other is more to might part, aligned with natural fight, tactics, nobility or exploration, so that it becomes more like a ranger, hunter and defender of the wilds.


> Regardless, all druids have some animal empathy. They can talk to animals and even plants (understand them, as well as persuade them to do things), and they get to know their feelings. Druids will most certain use Nature's gift to nature's good only. In return they can also obtain other abilitties: to call upon nature aid and wrath, to be imune to natural forces of the world (water and storms no longer affect them, prey animals do not attack); the posibility to transform into any animals/plant they desire or have an permanent animal companion from the wilds (from a horse, to a pet). No matter what race a druid is, it will always protect wilderness first of all.

Editat de AlusenHasen ~AH

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> Many speculated that this name may come from the elven language, but it is uncertain. However, the nekorrim class is a most weird one. Nekors or nekorrims are the sorcerers that know how to use some of Death's powers. However, here is a very important thing: they do not ressurect corpses an undead! So, we can speak about true nekorrim and the false ones, the evil, that has corrupted the natural thing of death.


> Nekors are friends with Inithsing the dark rothserphin. And she hates when death is perverted into abominations of unDeath. As such, true nekors will always be on the hunt for the corrupted Death sorcerers, to bring them to justice. It is true that they also use the powers of Death, but not to bring back the dead. The magic is much more vast, from attack spells to support ones, like the Fear area. To help them, nekorrims do not use undead, but creatures coming from their own imaginations, creatures that may or may not resemble a corpse; creatures that do not think, that do not have will or mind, that are not born but created from the air - and such, they are not real. What this means, is that summoned creatures such as those dissapear after a while, they do not feel pain, are ordered by their summoner and cannot be literally be ,,killed" since they were not born with life. Destroying one of those is simply like breaking a glass or a vase - like destroying simple materia. And this is where the nekorrim class makes it special: by not ressurecting undead, they are not evildoers. Remember the difference between the true undead and nekorrim imaginated creations that dissapear anyway after a while. They are considered to be the golems of death and undeath area.


> The nekorrim (accompanied by their own creations) that want more and more power will eventually be drawn to become evil, and breake the laws of nature by ressurecting undead. These are outlaws, that need to be stopped. However, true nekorrim of Death are not killers, but a very dreaming nature. They are usually artists, artist that had a tragic fate and now write sad poetry or paint dark landscapes, all releated to Death. They meditate upon this feeling and are of a lonely, silent, introvert nature. They practice their arts in dark places, like caves, tunnels, cemeteries, or barren lands with dead vegetation. They don't like to be disturbed and can be quite a force to deal even alone, with no companions. Nekorrim also adopt death-releated simbols, as this is their area, only with a different purpose. They dress in black, many get to have a pale skin, and may wear greenish , icy blue or redish jewelry (these are the most used colors of undead also).


> Nekorrim have a great respect for Death and even more for life, this is why they fight for it's protection, by understanding death - two concepts opposed, yet can't go withouth each other. The most important magic a nekorrim learn are the 20 spells of Nekorrim Guild (plus other Death or Night aligned sorcery). The Undeath area is yet uncertain, but true nekors - not even they do not dare - but do not want to go there. They also do well with Nature and Wilderness; Blood, Poison, Ice, Coldness, Shadow, Darkness and chilly Depts are some of their other strong quasi-elements. Nekorrim that come from animalic species are called nekolits. One of their basic powers is to use the death presence in any form to enhange their powers; they also get the capacity to talk to the dead by closely listening their last whispers. Nobody knows how this is done exactly... the undead language of the undead is totally different and the living cannot speak or descipher it because they do not have how. Nekors do get the ability to understand them, however... and with all that, they can manipulate the undead very eficiently by some of their spells. Undead fire is another element they manipulate. Undead have multiple sub-classes, and with all the struggle to prosecute the corrupted nekors, they still escape and continue their evil deeds. However, sorowfull undead can also become good nekorrim and help in capturing their enemies. There has to be clear the fact that Death meditating (and a death-releated subject to reflect upon) is not nearly the same as Undeath corruption and plague.


> In conclusion, there is a big difference between true nekorrim, that are more like misunderstood spellcasters, and the evil mages that create undead, to torment the poor beings caught in this curse. While Inithsing helps the undead in their dark path because is not their fault how they ended up after dying acordingly, she also severely punishes those who are caught ressurecting others. A great thing is to release the undead from their torment, yet suicide is forbidden, and as such, they can only hope for a brave fight to be their end. Mostly, here is where the nekorrim come, though they can also make friends out of undead, untill their proper end comes...

Editat de AlusenHasen ~AH

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~* The magic of the Conflux:


> The magic of the Conflux is just one type of magic organisation. Many realms have many ways of concentrating the concept and the Conflux (or the Confluence) is just one ideea, coming straight from the Land of The Morning Star. Only some general details are given here, whatever should be known about a way of magic.


> In short, it has: multiple levels of spells, multiple levels of magic and many more magic planes. All those influence the potence of the spells.

The level of the spells: from 1 to 10, but the last level only has one spell: The Epoch of Chaos (same as the blade Vraeslor), of Fire art, that can incinerate entire cities at once. The cost of the spells rises with the level, but the most expensive are the summoning spells and the cheapest - the attack ones.

The levels of magic: are three: the Halls, Crystal and Elemental, depending on the source and power of the spell. The Halls are yet with unknown source, and elder elves use it. Elemental is strictly for etereals and the very elementaly things, having two divisions: Bound (for the non-magic elementals such as Fight and Nobility, etc) and Arcantry (for the majority, of magic elementals, like Poison, Ice, Darkness, etc). The most used is, however, the Crystal level, based on phe'erha'a crystals, also in two divisions. It has the *arcan* part, based on prolonged studying, that grows in power as: Arcana - Arcane - Arcanor (final level). And the wild division, magic that is learned from generation to generation withouth books, practiced mostly by animals and free races. It is called Field, and the final level is named Shard. Shard and Arcanor are at real competition.

The magic planes: also called elemental planes, situated in the great elemental realm that is composed from over 100 types of elemental planes, primary, secundary and quasi. Primary are: Air, Water, Fire, Earth. Secundary are: Life, Light, Time, Mind, Illusion, Lightning, Creation (for Air); Ice, Healing (for Water); Chaos, Electricity (for Fire) and Nature, Night, Death (for Earth). Many more are quasi-called, such as blood, poison, wind, storm, depts, darkness, shadow, coldness, sun, clouds, sky, etc, etc. Between each of them is a fragile balance. Generally said, Fire opposes to Water (obvious) and Air (as up, which also has Life and Light) to Earth (as down, which has Night and Death). Each of the sub-elementals follow a similar patern, regarding the elements of origin or how the ones that form them combine (example: water+death = depending the proportion: ice, blood or poison). Each elemental has it's own symbol (though mostly known are the primary and the secondary ones; as some of the other arts and concepts), and each can be the target for an avatar/reprezent or elementalist/planeswalker - special magic classes.


> The basic source of magic, used in 99% of the cases (of the most common level, Crystal and it's divisions: the studying one or the wild one) is the phe'erha'a crystals. There are 9 types of basic phe'erha'a and plus other combinations. See the exposition part of the library, at magic substances and artefacts for a more detailed post on phe'erha'a.


> An individual may choose a basic magic class by electing maximum 3 of the areas (in any way): Air, Water, Fire, Earth, Nature, Night, Death, Fight, Tactics, Nobility, Exploration. There can be even 3 of one sort. Each possible combination has it's names, as basic class and secondary, better, level. Those are the base magic classes. There are also special magic professions that give some adds to the magics of the individual (like nekorrim and druid, explained above, or the most common - avatar and reprezent). These two are also elements that influence the potence of the Conflux's spells. One may also choose an principal elemental that he is good at, elemental which will define his spell area, very important later, for spell and elemental relations (for example: Fire-based spells will do bonus damage to Water-based opponents, while an Earth-enchanted artefact will help all of Earth's sub-elementals).


> The ones that take a non-magic path still need attributes to help survive the spellcraft - as such, many resistances and bonuses to the natural abilities of the body were fixed. Resistance to a spell means that a percentage of the effect is reduced; 100% resistance = imunity (more is not possible). Other capacities assure that a spell has a certain chance not to be made a tall on a target or that a spell has a certain chance to miss its target after is was made. Phe'erha'a is still drained, anyway. Good reflexes help to avoid weapon strikes, while a strong will control prevent mind spells from affecting a target even if it has no any resistances to such spells. Advancing in magic classes is always helpfull, even if the class represents a non-magic element (Fight, for example, or Wars) because the natural attributes are gained, anyway (more resistances to different hostile magic elements, for example). Enchanted weapons and other magical artefacts can also be good add-ons to the ones that do not know how to make spells at all.


> Whenever an individual choses to follow an elemental and a path, it can also gain help from the rothserphins. These are dragon-like creatures that simply excel at some magics - their power being that great, that they can share it with lesser races. Due to their dragon size and aspect, some species accepted to be permanently protected by these colossi of magic. They are not god-like creatures - as other realms may have a variety pf patrons, these are simply some larger creatures you don't want to mess with. See the beings part of the library, at the bestiary, for a more detailed post on the 8 rothserphins.


> There is also a school of magic called The Conflux, where students may learn different areas of proffesion from 11 years starting, in a maximum limit of 10 years (11 - first year, 12 - second year, 13 - third year, etc). Untill they are 20, they have a better chance to choose the elemnt they like. This school has it's own type of organisation and methods of teaching (by reaching all of the possible preferences).


> As a conclusion on the Conflux - it's magics arts are as potent as any other realm's spellcraft, only it is diferently organised. It is strogly related to the great elemental realm (since spells must have the amprent of one elemental) and spells are made with the help of essence-crystals called phe'erha'a (when the points run out, the magic is over). Enchanted classes and professions are a must to survive that world. Might or Magic... the Conflux has it all.

Editat de AlusenHasen ~AH

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