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Ok, and here's for the ones who seem to have a trouble deciphering the meaning of my posts in Romanian:


I have a rather hard time remembering the theoretical basis of English grammar, since I graduated highschool six years ago. I don't really pause to consider grammar theory when writing, I just assume that I apply it. So I'd rather look up the rules than post bullshit for posting's sake or even worse, misleading people who might be here to learn something.


Si... cred ca Amarena intelege si franceza :spiteful:

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When i asked for "lucrari de control" (i forgot the word in english), I did it because I really want to improve :spiteful: (as I knew something) my english and i think that those are a good way to learn better... But exercises are a better idea.

I speak french and italian much much much better than english :P I have to say that I didn't study any english in school. Thank you, teacher.

Editat de Amarena

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Ok, and here's for the ones who seem to have a trouble deciphering the meaning of my posts in Romanian:


I have a rather hard time remembering the theoretical basis of English grammar, since I graduated highschool six years ago. I don't really pause to consider grammar theory when writing, I just assume that I apply it. So I'd rather look up the rules rather than post bullshit for posting's sake or even worse, misleading people who might be here to learn something.


Si... cred ca Amarena intelege si franceza :spiteful:



I see !!! Only six years ago ??? Wow !!!



I have a rather hard time remembering



I have a hard time remembering, sounds much better.

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Not to me. Firstly because I wrote what I had meant to write and secondly because I trust Meriam-Webster rather than you.

rather (5): in some degree : SOMEWHAT <it's rather warm> -- often used as a mild intensive <spent rather a lot of money>

So... if your personal curiosity regarding my person is satisfied... would you kindly either sit down or leave the classroom? Your trolling me around the forum is rather irritating, as well as interrupting my teaching :yam: If you have any further complaints, please kindly file them directly to this school's principal from now on. You are dismissed from class.



Amarena... am gasit niste exercitii:




A) Complete the sentences.


1) type II: If I (to learn), I (to pass) the test.


2) type II: They (to fly) to Canberra if they (to have) more money.


3) type III: If I (to learn), I (to pass) the test.


4) type I: They (to fly) to Canberra if they (to have) more money.


5) type I: If I (to learn), I (to pass) the test.


6) type III: If the sun (to shine), we (to go) swimming.


7) type III: They (to fly) to Canberra if they (to have) more money.


:spiteful: type II: If the sun (to shine), we (to go) swimming.


9) type I: If the sun (to shine), we (to go)


Mai multe aici.

Pe site au avantajul ca le verifici pe loc :P

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Lesson 2 - Vocabulary


lectie de sezon :P (si numai pentru ca ma plictisesc la lucru)


Season's Greetings! - Sarbatori fericite! (mot-a-mot: "urari de sezon" - include si Craciunul si Anul Nou)

Merry Christmas! - Craciun fericit!

A Happy New Year! - An nou fericit!



Nativity - Nasterea (Nativity scene este reconstruirea scenei Nasterii Domnului in iesle)

Christmas Eve - Ajunul Craciunului

carols - colinde

Santa Claus - Mos Craciun :spiteful:

presents - cadouri

Christmas tree - pom de Craciun

fir tree - brad

sleigh - sanie

reindeer - ren

mistletoe - vasc


Pe renii lui Mos Craciun ii cheama Rudolph, Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Donner, Blitzen, Cupid si Comet.




Have yourselves a merry little Christmas, all :yam:



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Not to me. Firstly [/b]because I wrote what I had meant to write and secondly because I trust Meriam-Webster rather than you.



So... if your personal curiosity regarding my person is satisfied... would you kindly either sit down or leave the classroom? Your trolling me around the forum is rather irritating, as well as interrupting my teaching :) If you have any further complaints, please kindly file them directly to this school's principal from now on. You are dismissed from class.



I don't care about you at all. You are a person without manners.

As a teacher, you need to communicate.


Also from Meriam did you learn: A Happy New Year ???

Editat de Olga Khan

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interesting teacher, maybe in this way i will teach better the english


i am a good child and i will learn all the lessons :)

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I have loads, but they are precious and I don't waste them. :)

Now that I've set you to ignore... quiet in the classroom, kids :blink:


Continuam acusica cu IF-clauses.


interesting teacher, maybe in this way i will teach better the english


to learn / to teach


to learn este a invata

to learn - learnt/learned) - learnt/learned

(forma neregulata, in -t, incepe sa fie inlocuita prin forma regulata)


to teach este a preda

to teach - taught - taught


a invata ceva pe cineva tot cu teach se traduce.


De asemenea, este English, fara 'the': I speak English. I understand German. I like Spanish.



Lesson 3 - Grammar


Real Condition - Unreal Condition

Este clasificarea IF-Clause-urilor in functie de posibilitatea indeplinirii conditiei.


Real Condition

(cele care corespund tipului I)


Exemplul era If you like literature, you read books. Il vom schimba cu If you like literature, you buy books pentru ca read este verb neregulat care nu isi schimba forma la trecut si participiu.


Evident, propozitia poate fi trecuta si la alte timpuri:


If you like literature, you buy books.

- Conditie reala in prezent: Daca iti place literatura, cumperi carti.


If you liked literature, you bought books.

- Conditie reala in trecut: Daca ti-a placut literatura, ai cumparat carti.


If you like literature, you will buy/are going to buy books.

- Conditie reala in viitor: Daca iti va placea literatura, vei cumpara carti (nu se foloseste "will" in propozitia IF).



Unreal Condition (tipul II si III)

If you had liked literature, you would have bought books.

- Conditie ireala in trecut: Daca ti-ar fi placut literatura, ai fi cumparat carti. (type II)


If you liked literature, you would read books (today).

- Conditie ireala in prezent: Daca ti-ar placea literatura, ai cumpara carti (astazi). (type III)


If you liked literature, you would read books (next year).

- Conditie ireala in viitor: Daca ti-ar placea literatura, ai cumpara carti (anul viitor). (type III)




Mixed Conditionals


Secventa temporala "uzuala" poate diferi, in functie de timpul actiunii in ceea ce se numesc mixed conditionals, tocmai pentru ca "amesteca" timpurile verbelor din tipul II si III.


Past --> Present

If I had taken an aspirin, I wouldn't have a headache now.


Past --> Future

If I had known that you are going to come by tomorrow, I would be in then.


Present --> Past

If she had enough money, she could have done this trip to Hawaii.


Present --> Future

If I were you, I would be spending my vacation in Seattle.


Future --> Past

If I weren't flying to Detroit, I would have planned a trip to Vancouver.


Future --> Present

If I were taking this exam next week, I would be high-strung.


Alte expresii conditionale, in afara de IF:


as long as

assuming (that)

on condition (that)

on the assumption (that)

provided (that)

supposing (that)


with the condition (that)



De asemenea IF, poate fi omis:

Had you liked literature... (in loc de If you had liked literature...)



Poate fi inlocuit cu when doar in cazul unor generalitati, la fel ca in limba romana.


Daca incalzesti gheata, se topeste. --- If you warm ice, it melts.

Cand incalzesti gheata, se topeste. --- When you warm ice, it melts.



Propozitia conditionala poate fi inlocuita si prin folosirea expresiei in case of:


If there is an emergency, ring the bell. --- In case of emergency, ring the bell.




Cam atat cu If-Clauses :) Exercitii si teste se gasesc aici.



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Lesson 4 - Vocabulary (sort of...)




White Christmas

(Craciun Alb)


I'm dreaming of a white Christmas

(Visez la un Craciun alb)

Just like the ones I used to know

(Exact ca cele pe care le stiam odata)

Where the treetops glisten,

(Cand varfurile copacilor lucesc)

and children listen

(Si copii asculta)

To hear sleigh bells in the snow

(Sa auda clopotei de sanie in zapada)


I'm dreaming of a white Christmas

(Visez la un Craciun alb)

With every Christmas card I write

(Cu fiecare felicitare de Craciun pe care o scriu)

May your days be merry and bright

(Fie ca zilele voastre sa fie vesele si luminoase)

And may all your Christmases be white

(Si fie ca toate Craciunurile voastre sa fie albe)


to dream of = a visa la

I used to = obisnuiam sa (ex. I used to go swimming every day, but then the pool closed. I used to speak French, but I forgot a lot. I used to read a lot, but then my eyesight failed)

may se foloseste in urari cu sensul de "fie": May you live a long happy life. May you never regret your choice. May you return soon.

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