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"This copy of Windows is not genuine"

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Atata timp cat este un dll "hacuit" este spart cu programe pirat logik ca antivirusul si anti-spyul nu o sa il vada ca pe un soft original... :|

Orikum daca e asa complicat te sfatuiesc sa cumperi licenta... asta ca sa nu faci vreo proshtioara... :doh:)


Da' cine a zis ca are vreun soft cu licenta? :kiss:

La celelalte de ce nu tipa anitvirusul??? :doh:




Nota pt ORDA si BSA: noi folosim doar softuri cu licenta :P

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Am avut si eu probleme cu " This copy of Windows is not may be a victim...' si am gasit pe google solutia, pe ceva forum...era ceva f simplu, nu trebuie sa reinstalezi Windows - din pacate nu mai stiu link-ul . Incearca sa faci asta: intri in in C WINDOWS\system32 si cauti WgaLogon.dll si WgaTray.exe, le schimbi denumirea , de ex Wn.dll, wy.exe , apoi in Control Panel- security center, turn off automatic updates si la Resources- Change the way S C alerts me , debifezi- automatic updates - restart - zi-mi daca a mers

It's working! :doh: :doh: :kiss:

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It's working! :clap: ;) :focus:


Ba nu,văd că merge,am scăpat de ei!Chit că acum mă avertizează Security Centerul că "my computer may be at risk"...bla,bla...e OK,de asta scap mai uşor.Mi se obişnuise ochiu cu Genuinu ăla,bătu-l-ar...,aproape că-mi lipseşte! :) Ce să mai zic?Că de aveam salariu de 30 de milioane

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Pentru asa ceva exista un utilitar, ironic denumit "WindowsXP-KB905474.exe" 800kb. Este facut special pentru a elimina aceasta mica s

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WGA is a pain in the butt for many of us. Even if we have a legal copy of windows it just makes us do things we don’t want to. So here is a solution for all you WGA haters out there :


1. Download Orca (remember to disable your pop-up blocker when on that page) and install it.

2. Open WindowsDefender.msi with Orca

3. Go to the “CustomAction” table on the left

4. Right-click on the “CHECK_WGA” action and select “Drop Row”

5. Now got to “Dialog” table on the left

6. Look for the dialog “CheckWGA”, change the Attribute from 2 to 0

7. File > Save (DO NOT use Save As…)

8. Close Orca and run the installer.


That’s it! Worked for you? Do drop us a line.




A person named Alex on another blog has found a solution to the recent patch up Microsoft made to disable this, well its back again and works like a charm!


The new Windows Defender is out, the way to bypass the WGA check (at least the one I found) is to open the MSI with Orca. Click Control Event on the left and go to CheckWGA. Make sure that the Argument column of the first and second CheckWGA Dialogs is “LicenseAgreement” and you can install and use Windows Defender without problems.


Cu multumirile de rigoare persoanei care mi-a trimis link-ul acestui topic, pen'ca postasem mesajul aiurea'n tramvai prima data;


DISCLAIMER : cele mai de sus sunt copiate de pe un forum de specialitate, si eu -personal- nu le-am

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1. restart computer in safe mode (se da restart, se apasa F8, se alege Safe Mode)\

2. C>Windows>System32 si se dau delete la fisierele: WgaLogon.dll si WgaTray.exe

3. dupa ce faci asta dar doar optional si daca reusesti sa gasesti fisierul:

C>Windows>System32>Dllcache si se dau delete la fisierele: WgaLogon.dll si WgaTray.exe

4. C>Documents and Settings>All Users>Application Data>Windows Genuine Advantage si se da delete acestuia (Windows Genuine Advantage)

5. start>run>se scrie acolo la run regedit.exe>OK>HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE_SOFTWARE>Microsoft>Windows NT>CurrentVersion>WinLogon>Notify>WgaLogon si se da delete acestuia (WgaLogon)

6. Restart


fie (mai simplu dar mai ciobaneste, fara safe mode, fara nimic, direct din sistemul de operare in stare normala):


1. C>Windows>System32 si se dau rename la fisierele: WgaLogon.dll si WgaTray.exe de exemplu Wy.dll si Wz.exe moment in care ele nu mai pot opera.

2. C>Documents and Settings>All Users>Application Data>Windows Genuine Advantage si se da delete acestuia (Windows Genuine Advantage)

3. Restart

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Si mai simplu, in 3 pasi:


1. Mergi la magazin si cumperi Windows

2. In drum spre casa iti iei snacks-uri si/sau ceva de baut, o bere, ceva

3. Odata ajuns acasa instalezi Windows-ul nou cumparat in timp ce savurezi ceea ce ti-ai cumparat :yes:

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hai sa va vin in ajutor :spiteful: mi-a dat unchimiu un DVD:LastXP si are pe el un program care iti face windowsu original(dak nu mere programu,mai ai 2 de rezerva+un key de registru)nu credeam ca mere,dar am bagat programu(P.S.Inainte am incercat sa instalez WMP11 si IE7,iar la pasu cu Genuine,nu a trecut pt. ca zicea ca nu e original blablabla)dupa ce a facut ala treaba,fara nici un restart,am instalat iar WMP11 si IE7 si....VOALA!Genuine activation intrat pe site-ul de la micro$oft si am descarcat Windows Defender(care necesita Genuine)si mere perfect :yes: (clar ca nu am bagat chestia aia,am kaspersky si ad-aware :bataita: )cine vrea...PM si trimit pe e-mail;)numa bine

Editat de bogdan_5844

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