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O prietena este intr-o situatie din care nu prea este retur si nu vrea sa ma vada desi as risca sa merg s-o vizitez, sa-i duc ceva de mancare, dar ma refuza.   Cred ca nu mai intelege nici ce spune.   Este transferat pe un plan medical numit Hospice Care adica in anticamera mortii.   

Toate se duc si mai sint care deloc nu vor sa ridice telefonul sau sa scrie macar ceva pe FB.   Emigrarea are si alte efecte daca n-are familie cineva ca in tinerete doar se distra.

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Omu' nu se simte bine.  Nu vrea spital sau salvare.   Zice ca vrea sa moara :eek: ca asa simte el ...  A sunat un prieten acum sa-i spuna  despre aceste feelings, i-a dat si datele mele  fara sa ma intrebe daca vreau eu sa comunic cu el ceva pana n-am vorbit nici cu copiii.   Sper sa fie doar un moment de minteratacita si pierduta ca se plange de ameteala.  Doctora i-a dat termin pe 20 Octombrie, ca legea este sa chemi salvarea!!!    

Este una din acele faze al vietii am impresia,  nu pot insa sa-i dau importanta ca el spune cam multe cateodata.   Nu mi-e mila de mine sau ... dar daca merge la spital afla macar de ce ameteste, ca de ce nu vrea deodata, nu inteleg.  

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*Ce trist ca se intampla asa ceva de la immigrarea fara granite la dorinta democRATS-ilor din California, sa distruga Arizona, sa devina parte din California de jucat politica cu ilegalii si loc de aruncat gunoiul planetar.   Unu s-a urcat in Metro cu un Ciocan de Lipit/Sudat, a atacat si furat un calator, metoda sudamericana am impresia dar va fi prins, garantat.*
Man attacked and robbed by hammer-wielding suspect on light rail in Phoenix
Amy Cutler - Yesterday 9:50 PM
PHOENIX (3TV/CBS 5) - Phoenix police are looking for the hammer-wielding suspect who attacked and robbed a man on the light rail. Cellphone video captured the end of the ordeal. Nicholas Gregory said he tried to intervene when he saw the suspect lift the hammer and became the victim of the attack. “I saw that claw. So I just jumped up as fast as I can and I just took him down,” Gregory said.
Nicholas Gregory says he was headed to work when he was attacked.
Nicholas Gregory says he was headed to work when he was attacked.© Provided by Tucson (Sierra Vista) KOLD

TRENDING: Popular Phoenix restaurant cited for having 7 major health code violations

It happened Friday on the westbound light rail from Mesa into Phoenix near Sky Harbor Airport. Gregory said the suspect brought a speaker onto the light rail. It was around 5:30 a.m. He exchanged words with the guy sitting near Gregory. That’s when he said things escalated. “When I saw that hammer, I just thought he was going to kill him,” he said. “He took the hammer back again and the claw hit me in the face and I felt it and after that I grabbed the hammer and balled it up with my arm as hard as I could and I had him for a minute, just tussled with him.”

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Gregory said his phone and house keys fell out of his pocket. The suspect smashed the phone and stole his house keys. Phoenix Police confirmed the account and said they’re investigating. “With such a violent person on the train and making the traveling public less safe, our biggest key is trying to find out who this person is and identify them and then bring them to justice,” Sgt. Brian Bower with Phoenix Police said.

Phoenix police have a public transit unit. Valley Metro, which oversees the light rail system, uses a private security company to help out. Valley Metro said it’s supposed to have 110 security guards patrolling the light rail system but 46 of those positions are vacant. That’s about 42% of their security guards.

In response, Valley Metro sent the following statement:

“Valley Metro is committed to delivering safe, reliable, high-quality transit experiences for our customers. The assault on Oct. 14 was not a random act, but one in which there was intentional provocation between passengers. We are very appreciative of our partnership with the Phoenix Police Department who responded on scene quickly and helped restore a safe public transit environment. The incident in this video is not representative of our daily light rail service. Each day, we make 167 trips traveling a total of 4,100 miles across Phoenix, Tempe and Mesa with minimal incident. Field security officers are available for rider safety across the system and we also encourage passengers if they see something, say something through our Alert VM real-time reporting app. Maintaining a safe and reliable system for all fare-paying riders is our ongoing mission and focus.”

Valley Metro

Gregory realizes just how lucky he is. While he suffered bruises to his arm and nose, he’s OK. He’s hoping they’ll be an arrest soon.


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Avem de luat o decizie grea despre pisica neagra ca este foarte bolnava de foarte mult timp dar tot speram ca va reveni. 

Daca-l ducem la Veterinar, nu ne mai da inapoi sa-l chinuim.  Eu nu vreau sa particip la asa o decizie :resent:

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"Cherishing Every Moment': Bruce Willis' Family 'Praying' For Christmas Miracle As His Health Deteriorates"   :surrender: 

*N-am stiut ca si el este pe ultimul picior, sufera de o boala grea cand nu mai poate vorbi, intelege, merge si altele.   Nu prea mai stie ca este in viata sau nu din cate am inteles.  

Un miracol e mult de cerut in asemenea conditii, de ce trebuie prelungit durerea cuiva care si asa nu mai simte nimic.   De asta exista Testamentul si Ultima Dorinta in America si nu numai, ca sa se exprime toti inca pana mai pot folosi creierul la ceva, si sa opreasca familia de asemenea miracole de Craciun sau Anul Nou, cand pentru el, bolnavul, NU inseamna nimic!!!

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Bai, sa va spun cum gandesc (handesc io, filosofand pe Buddha)?! Pot? Pot?

cand esti suparat, aminteste-ti proverbul:

cine latra buturuga mica, haina merge nu ajunge la struguri si prinde stiuca cand vor cainii sa moara ursu latra.

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Bruce Willis's family faces tragic new health battle as daughter, Tallulah Willis, struggles

Celebrities Struggle Too 

*Fiica cea mica a lui Demi Moore si Bruce Willis a mostenit bolile mentale de la tatal si deja la 29 de ani sufera de un numar de conditii care n-ar trebui sa disturbe viata ei.*

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