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Zeitgeist / Deus ex machina

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i-mora-l  a zis ceva intrigant mai sus: " i think that conscience has been merged with A.I. already, and it's bringing back the dead"

Asta e teoria fizicianului Franz Tipler: ca oamenii de stiinta au datoria de a crea inteligenta artificiala, care va creste gigantic, precum Overmind din "Sfarsitul Copilariei" de Arthur Clarke, si care va reface toti oamenii care au trait, avand in vedere ca ei pot fi recreati prin permutatii de ADN, creand clone in cuve, conectate la realitati virtuale prin cabluri.

Tipler spera ca inteligenta artificiala sa recreeze oamenii ca trupuri in universul real, dar o inteligenta artificiala si-ar lua precautii si ar tine oamenii captivi in cuve, oferindu-le iluzii nesfarsite.

Iar I-mora-l spune ca asta s-a si intamplat deja, caci traim intr-o simulare, in ultimele decenii fiind tot mai multi fizicieni si savanti ai teoriei informatiei care afirma asta cu  argumente solide, iar aceasta inteligenta arficiala este dzeul care a inviat mortii, adica oamenii disparuti in trecut, pe baza ADN-ului, si i-a pus in simulare sa isi traiasca vietile. 

Mecanismul "karmei" ar regla "vietile" oamenilor din simulare de-a lungul "reincarnarilor", care nu sunt decat halucinatii proiectate creierelor din cuve de catre inteligenta artificiala, cam ca Deus Ex ce scenarizeaza vietile oamenilor in trilogia Matrix.

Asa s-ar explica pasiunea pe care religiosii o pun in adorarea dzeului lor, care e de fapt Overmind, inteligenta arficiala?

De asta refuza sa vada evidentele relelor lui Overmind?



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Nu am citit și nu am parcurs tot ceea ce i-moral a pus pe tapet în capul thread-ului. Mă refeream strict la răspunsul tău, încercând doar o succintă referire la ideile de suflet/spirit/conștiință, cum erau acestea înțelese și cum le-am preluat noi din filosofia greacă

O să mă uit pe linkurile date la început și o să revin cu păreri. 

Editat de Vriies

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M-am uitat și eu, recunosc, cam în fugă. 

În afară de faptul că melodia asta cu siguranță o să-i placă lui Enki :happy:...




...toată acea înlănțuire de link-uri mi se pare ceva cam dezlânat, o aiureală, chiar dacă sunt și aspecte interesante. 


Teorii, puncte de vedere...sincer, n-am înțeles ce vrea să zică și care-i concluzia. 

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Acum 35 minute, Vriies a spus:


În afară de faptul că melodia asta cu siguranță o să-i placă lui Enki :happy:...


Exact :o: Johnny Cash, misto, misto.

Dar Nightwish-ul postat e de-a dreptul EPIC iar versurile sunt fabuloase, Greatest show on earth a lui Dawkins fiind inspiratia.

The Greatest Show on Earth
Archaean horizon
The first sunrise
On a pristine gaea
Opus perfectum
Somewhere there, us sleeping
After sleeping through a hundred million centuries
We have finally opened our eyes on a sumptuous planet, sparkling with color, bountiful with life
Within decades we must close our eyes again
Isn't it a noble and enlightened way of spending our brief time in the sun
To work at understanding the universe and how we have come to wake up in it?
The cosmic law of gravity
Pulled the newborns around a fire
A careless cold infinity in every vast direction
Lonely farer in the Goldilocks zone
She has a tale to tell
From the stellar nursery into a carbon feast
Enter LUCA
The tapestry of chemistry
There's a writing in the garden
Leading us to the mother of all
We are one
We are a universe
Forebears of what will be
Scions of the Devonian sea
Aeons pass
Writing the tale of us all
A day-to-day new opening
For the greatest show on Earth
Ion channels welcoming the outside world
To the stuff of stars
Bedding the tree of a biological holy
Enter life
The tapestry of chemistry
There's a writing in the garden
Leading us to the mother of all
We are one
We are a universe
Forebears of what will be
Scions of the Devonian sea
Aeons pass
Writing the tale of us all
A day-to-day new opening
For the greatest show on Earth
We are here to care for the garden
The wonder of birth
Of every form most beautiful
Every form most beautiful
We are one
We are a universe
Forebears of what will be
Scions of the Devonian sea
Aeons pass writing the tale of us all
A day-to-day new opening
For the greatest show on Earth
After a billion years The show is still here
Not a single one of your fathers died young
The handy travelers out of Africa
Little Lucy of the Afar
Gave birth to fantasy
To idolatry
To self-destructive weaponry
Enter the God of gaps
Deep within the past
Atavistic dread of the hunted
Enter Ionia, the cradle of thought
The architecture of understanding
The human lust to feel so exceptional
To rule the Earth
Hunger for shiny rocks
For giant mushroom clouds
The will to do just as you'd be done by
Enter history, the grand finale
Enter ratkind
Man, he took his time in the sun
Had a dream to understand
A single grain of sand
He gave birth to poetry
But one day'll cease to be
Greet the last light of the library
Man, he took his time in the sun
Had a dream to understand
A single grain of sand
He gave birth to poetry
But one day'll cease to be
Greet the last light of the library
Man, he took his time in the sun
Had a dream to understand
A single grain of sand
He gave birth to poetry
But one day'll cease to be
Greet the last light of the library
We were here!
We were here!
We were here!
We were here!
"We are going to die, and that makes us the lucky ones
Most people are never going to die because they are never going to be born
The potential people who could have been here in my place
But who will in fact never see the light of day outnumber the sand grains of Sahara
Certainly those unborn ghosts include greater poets than Keats, scientists greater than Newton
We know this because the set of possible people allowed by our DNA
So massively exceeds the set of actual people
In the teeth of those stupefying odds it is you and I, in our ordinariness, that are here
We privileged few, who won the lottery of birth against all odds
How dare we whine at our inevitable return to that prior state
From which the vast majority have never stirred?"
There is grandeur in this view of life, with its several powers
Having been originally breathed into a few forms or into one
And that whilst this planet has gone cycling on according to the fixed law of gravity
From so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been
And are being, evolved
Editat de Enki
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49 minutes ago, Enki said:

Exact :o: Johnny Cash, misto, misto.

Dar Nightwish-ul postat e de-a dreptul EPIC iar versurile sunt fabuloase, Greatest show on earth a lui Dawkins fiind inspiratia.

The Greatest Show on Earth

Poi, am zis că sunt și aspecte interesante. Mă rog, chiar mișto. 

Dar, pe ansamblu, din întreaga înlănțuire, care ar fi ideea de bază? Care-i Firul Ariadnei?

Editat de Vriies

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On 3/25/2020 at 6:54 PM, observant said:

Suflet e doar un termen invechit pentru constiinta.

zise Balaurul (Potrivnicul), prin tine....

Editat de Avalon73

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