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Caine abandonat dat spre foster/adoptie (abandoned dog given for foster/adoption)

Postări Recomandate


Detalii caine

Varsta: ~2 luni

Talie: mica-medie

Sex: mascul

Greutate: ~500g

Culoare: combinatie de negru cu maron

Deparazitare interna facuta: da

Vaccinat: nu (urmeaza)

Carnet de sanatate: nu (urmeaza)

Microcip implantat: nu (urmeaza)

Sterilizat: nu (urmeaza)


Am gasit un catelus in varsta de 2 luni in Cluj, zona Calea Baciului,in ninsoare, cu o inflamatie la gat si rahitic. Va rog din suflet cine este dispus/dispusa a ii oferi foster pana la o eventuala adoptie.

Sunt dispus sa ii acopar toate cheltuielile necesare numai sa-i se gaseasca un adapost pentru a avea sanse catre adoptie. Momentan se afla in desfasurare pentru procedurile generale de deparazitare si vaccinare, urmeaza sterilizarea si crearea unui carnet de sanatate.

Va multumeste Fraun anticipat cu ochi de margele plini de speranta la o viata adecvata.

Ma puteti contacta la 0748 612 180 sau

Postare Facebook:



Dog details:

Age: ~2 months

Size: small to medium

Sex: male

Weight: ~500g

Color: black and brown mixtures

Dewormed: yes

Vaccinated: not yet

Health certificate: not yet

Implanted microchip: not yet

Sterilized: not yet


I've found an abandoned dog in Cluj, near Calea Baciului in a dire shape staying in snow, being rachitic and having an inflammation to the right of his neck.

Unfortunately, I cannot hold him longer, thus I beg any of you from my heart to please offer him foster care until he is adopted. Around 2 months old his black beads like eyes are looking with hope for an adequate life.

I will cover all the necessary costs just to find a shelter for him so he can have a chance for adoption. On going are the general procedures for vaccination and so on; next on the list is sterilization and the creation of a health certificate.

Please don't hesitate to contact me at 0040 748 612 180 or email:

Fraun gives his thankings from the deepest of his heart for your help.

Facebook story:





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