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Romania and Romani people

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Hei, sunt nou in zona si nu stiu daca in "Politica" trebuia sa postez. Acum f'o 2 saptamani am scris un blog si m-ar incanta daca si altii ar contribui cu informatii relevante. Daca vreti, contributiile voastre vor avea link la blog-ul sau website-ul vostru. Am scris blogul la betie si-a fost ff rau; dupa cateva zile, la kafa de dimineata, l-am .. editat, si acum e citibil fara ca efbiai sau m0055ad sa-mi ia gatu'.




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Blogu o fi citibil, ceia ce man'doiesc foarte mult, dar mesaju tau nu ieste foarte citibil.

Ma skuzi, si io tot la betzie am dat replica.

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@aramis: adica statistici care dovedesc ca suntem in top la X, Y si Z: In special olimpiadele internationale ma intereseaza, pt ca le consider extrem de relevante; concursurile de inventii de asemenea. Blogul meu s-a vrut a fi un punct de pornire, oricine e bine-venit sa contribuie.

doar un exemplu: ce-am eliminat (printre altele) cand am editat blogul:


It just happened that in 1990, in the very day when the wall went down, I was leaving Germany to relocate to US. Germany is a beautiful country BUT: too many Turks, Albanians (= the most demented primates to ever consume MY oxygen, 10X more dangerous than gypsies, and I really hate gypsies) and gypsies. Not to mention that it's full of muslims (besides the turks) on the streets*


*WHY is it that all the browns (non-whites, generally speaking) are invading white countries? If they are so brilliant WHY don’t they effin’ stay in their glorious countries and worship the Koran there? WHY are the European politicians (90%+ of them sucking zioscrotums) browning their countries? If I recall correctly 100% of the rapes in Sweden are done by muslims who strongly believe that women that are dressed sexy have to be whores and, therefore, good for a gang bang. How is this acceptable?! Where are you, Vlad Dracula or Adolf to clean Europe of the browns and, maybe even more important, of multicults (= the filthy politicians in bed with the chosenites)?

NOTE: and don't ya tell me that I'm some anti-semite, you cheap punks! Palestinians are semites while the khazars ARE NOT!

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Am si eu o intrebare daca imi permiti.

Te reprezinta poza de la avatar?

Si daca da, cum anume?

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1. Turcia - 2.750.000 populatie rroma...3.71% din populatia totala

2. Romania - 1.850.000 populatie rroma...8.56% din populatia totala in 2008....621,573 (2011 census) ca au emigrat multi :lol:

3. Bulgaria

4. Spania

5. Rusia

Editat de Naeema
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Am si eu o intrebare daca imi permiti.

Te reprezinta poza de la avatar?

Si daca da, cum anume?

da, ma ... reprezinta, in sensul ca ala-s io. Te deranjeaza? Si daca DA, por ke?

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