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"You're not sick; you're thirsty. Don't treat thirst with medication."
Dr. F. Batmanghelidj



O carte foarte interesantä, nu stiu dacä este tradusä si pe româneste.



Our life, our planet. Over 70% of the earth's surface is water. However, most of it—98%--is salt water. Only 2% of the earth's H20 is fresh water that we can drink, and of this, almost all is trapped in frozen glaciers.

You are not just what you eat; you are what you drink.

This is why water is so important to your health.

The Water Cure (TWC) does not sell water or purification systems or any related products. We offer insights and information; both free and in books that give you easy-to-understand scientific explanations on why water is vital to your well-being.

TWC believes promoting "water for health, for healing, for life" is an invaluable public health message. We can all change the way we drink – by drinking pure, natural water that is good for our health, our pocket book, and our environment.

No miracles. Just common sense backed by Dr. F. Batmaghelidj’s years of research and investigation into why water works so well in keeping us healthy and pain free. It can even cure illness in some people who get sick.

Water is the basis of all life and that includes your body. Your muscles that move your body are 75% water; your blood that transport nutrients is 82% water; your lungs that provide your oxygen are 90% water; your brain that is the control center of your body is 76% water; even your bones are 25% water.

Our health is truly dependent on the quality and quantity of the water we drink.

Dr. B's pioneering work shows that Unintentional Chronic Dehydration (UCD) contributes to and even produces pain and many degenerative diseases that can be prevented and treated by increasing water intake on a regular basis.

If you are committed to a healthy lifestyle, make drinking enough natural water a habit in your life. It won't take long for you to feel the benefit.

It is a free investment for your long-term health.

Editat de Saya.
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Ce se intimpla in corp cind bem sau nu bem apa? Independent de Masaru Emoto, Dr. F. Batmanghelidj, autorul cartii "Nu esti bolnav, ti-e doar sete" (pentru mai multe informatii va dau un site medic arestat in trecut intr-un context politic in Iran, a observat in inchisoare ca, atunci cind arestatii beau apa, multe dintre durerile corpului fizic dispareau. Multi dintre ei aveau spasme ale stomacului despre care medicul credea ca sint cauzate de stresul din inchisoare. A inceput sa-i trateze pe acestia cu diferite feluri de apa: apa sarata, apa dulce, apa amara si surpriza colosala era ca, in 90% din cazuri, spasmele stomacului dispareau. Medicul a constatat ca nu toate simptomele erau cauzate de stressul din inchisoare, dimpotriva; 90% din ele erau cauzate de deshidratare.

Observind faptul ca apa avea aceste efecte, el si-a spus ca nu putea fi la mijloc doar un efect Placebo. Cind a fost eliberat a emigrat in USA unde a infiintat o clinica si a efectuat nenumarate studii, vindecind multi bolnavi prin metoda sa originala cu ... apa.

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