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Anonymus Kline

Circumcizia la femei?

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Nu imi pot imagina cum a inceput aceasta practica, si imi imaginez ca e foarte greu pentru femeile care au avut-o....


Efectele asupra sanatatii sunt foarte rele, mai ales cand e facuta, fiindca de multe ori nu se folosesc instrumente curate.... Multe fete mor la tipul 3 al circumciziei. Pot aparea multe complicatii cand naste.


Vedeti asta


In detaliu tipul 3 si 4....

Type III: Infibulation


Type III is the most severe form of FGC and is called infibulation or pharaonic circumcision (referring to the Pharaohs who were thought to practice this form). Infibulation involves extensive tissue removal of the external genitalia, including all of the labia minora and the inside of the labia majora, leaving a raw open wound. The labia majora are then held together using thorns or stitching and the girl's legs are tied together for two to six weeks, to prevent her from moving and allow the healing of the two sides of the vulva. Nothing remains of the normal anatomy of the genitalia, except for a wall of flesh from the pubis down to the anus, with the exception of a pencil-size opening at the inferior portion of the vulva to allow urine and menstrual blood to pass through, see Diagram 1D. Generally, a male nurse deemed to have the necessary skill carries out this procedure, and a local anesthetic is used. However, when carried out "in the bush," infibulation is often performed by an elderly matron or midwife of the village, with no anesthesia used.[12]


A reverse infibulation can be performed to allow for sexual intercourse (often by the husband using a knife on the wedding night) or when undergoing labor, or by female relatives, whose responsibility it is to inspect the wound every few weeks and open it some more if necessary. During childbirth, the enlargement is too small to allow vaginal delivery, and so the infibulation must be opened completely and restored after delivery. Once again, the legs are tied together to allow the wound to heal, and the procedure is repeated for each subsequent act of intercourse or childbirth. When childbirth takes place in a hospital, the surgeons may preserve the infibulation by enlarging the vagina with deep episiotomies. Afterwards, the patient may insist that her vulva be closed again so that her husband does not reject her.[12]


This practice is reported to cause the disappearance of sexual pleasure for the women affected[citation needed], as well as major medical complications. However, a five-year study of 300 women and 100 men in Sudan found indications that "sexual desire, pleasure, and orgasm are experienced by the majority of women who have been subjected to this extreme sexual mutilation, in spite of their being culturally [bound] to hide these experiences."[13]


Most advocates of the practice continue to perform the procedure in adherence to standards of beauty that are very different from those in the west. Many infibulated women will contend that the pleasure their partners receive due to this procedure is a definitive part of a successful marriage.


[edit] Type IV: Other types


There are other forms that are collectively referred to as Type IV and usually do not involve any tissue removal at all, but rather the "cutting" is simulated with a knife as part of a ceremony. This includes a diverse range of practices, including pricking the clitoris with needles, burning or scarring the genitals as well as ripping or tearing of the vagina or introducing herbs into the vagina to cause bleeding and a narrowed vaginal opening (ref). Type IV is found primarily among isolated ethnic groups as well as in combination with other types. Sursa: Wikipedia


Mi se par pur si simplu barbarice practicile astea...

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:hi: M-a mancat undeva sa citesc.

Uite ce face prostia din oameni...

Era o vorba misto: "Nu subestima puterea oamenilor prosti in grupuri mari"


Afterwards, the patient may insist that her vulva be closed again so that her husband does not reject her

... Many infibulated women will contend that the pleasure their partners receive due to this procedure is a definitive part of a successful marriage.

cum naiba sa-ti placa asa ceva? :jester:

Editat de Scythe

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Ar trebui sa existe legi care sa interzica circumcizia,e un ritual de-a dreptul bestial.

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Norocul meu ca pot bea cateva pahare de vin, pot face dragoste cu cine vreau si ca m-am nascut aici. Spun asta in comparatie cu Sudan, desigur!

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Norocul meu ca pot bea cateva pahare de vin, pot face dragoste cu cine vreau si ca m-am nascut aici. Spun asta in comparatie cu Sudan, desigur!

Da, poti sa faci asta, si eu sau statul nu te vom impiedica... Chiar si daca eu cred ca nu e bine... Sper doar ca fiica mea sa nu faca de astea (daca voi avea o fiica)... Asta presupunand ca tu bei vin si faci dragoste cu cine vrei dupa ce esti ametita :hi:

Si nici nu o sa iti taiem vreo parte de la varste fragede...


Asa ca, fetelor, nu va plangeti de conditiile din RO, ca se putea mult mai rau... :jester:

Editat de Anonymus Kline

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a innebunit dracu lumea de tot.cum naiba de mai exista asa ceva in timpurile noastre?cand am citit articolul,sincer am fugit la baie sa pot accepta asa ceva.este inuman.

Este o practica religioasa dateaza de foarte multa vreme, deci nu cred ca se va schimba vreodata devreme .

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de circumcizia la femei nu am auzit ...dar la ...baieti am auzit ca e chiar indicat sensul stiu sa spun exact cum ...e ceva ce tine de igiena intima ...parca ..:hi:

Editat de red2shoes

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stiu ca este o practica religioasa,dar ma intreb cum naiba religia asta mai tampeste oamenii in halul asta,incat sa accepte una ca asta.

pur si simplu este ce il ajuta pe dumnezeu taierea organelor sexuale a femeii?sau ale barbatului?

nu pot sa inteleg cum oamenii pot accepta asa ceva,in numele lui dumnezeu,allah sau mai stiu eu cine.

Stii se spune ca : Religiile despart oamenii si credinta ii apropie , religiile nasc fanaticii, asadar oamenii sunt ignoranti cand este vorba de religie . Uita-te si in Romania, cei religiosii ignora homosexualitatea, nu vorbim de toleranta, ignora cu buna stiinta ca ar putea exista si alti oameni ce au alte orientari sexuale .

Deci cand este vorba de religie ..ea nu se comenteaza , se aplica .:hi:

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