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Nu credeți că bulgarii și rom

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Cred că Google Translate a "lovit" articolul, nu tu :lol2: :lol2:


Ce părere ai despre asta?

Părerea mea e că o să-ţi închidă moderatorii topicul, ai mai deschis unul pe aceeaşi temă. :o:


I'm gonna tell you a secret (no, I'm not Madonna :P ): we are able to understand Italian when we hear it, even if we didn't learn it. But we are not able to understand Bulgarian if we didn't learn it.


So much about the "artificially introduced Romanization in [...] Wallachia and Moldova" :doh:

Editat de harald

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Cred că Google Translate a "lovit" articolul, nu tu :lol2: :lol2:



Părerea mea e că o să-ţi închidă moderatorii topicul, ai mai deschis unul pe aceeaşi temă. :o:


I'm gonna tell you a secret: we are able to understand Italian when we hear it, even if we didn't learn it. But we are not able to understand Bulgarian if we didn't learn it.


articol este în limba engleză ;)

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articol este în limba engleză ;)

It is not about the article being written in English, it's about your idea. If Bulgarians and Romanians share common ancestors, those ancestors are the Thracians. Both you and the article are trying to say that Romanians have Bulgarian ancestors, and that's nonsense.

Editat de harald

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