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Exact asta i-am spus si eu, dar in mai putine pictograme. Si-n plus mi-am afirmat inca o data credinta ca Bruce Lee il bate pe Van Damme.

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P.S.da.sunt romanca si puteam scrie in limba romana.doar ca imi pot exprima mai usor sentimentele cand scriu in engleza;nu este o fita,ci doar o pasiune;

Suntem pe un forum romanesc si ca atare te rog, ca de acum inainte, sa scrii in romaneste. Multumesc!

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i'm confused,and desoriented....i would like to tell somebody what i feel ,but i can't.not because i don't want but i don't have anyone here to talk about my problems with;i just think i need a bit of courage to do what i want to find a way...and just to do it.there's nothing left for me here...just pain and anger and sadness;i need a peacefull place where i cand close my eyes and everything it will go free;i need that....i need a new start,a new chance,and i hope i can have it one day;

the most painfull thing is to know that i have people around me ...or i had .now i am completely alone.i feel so stupid;i don't know why i'm writing this...I just need SOMEONE...someone to care about me;someone true,someone honest.


i don't know what to say....but i had this feeling...i want to scream so everybody can hear..i ...i feel so fuckin' sad..and this feeling just doesn't pass,i don't know what to do anymore...maybe is a deep depression that i started long time ago...when i knew i can't tell to no one what is wrong with me;many times i tryed to show that i need them to be there for me;but sometimes i felt like is not right to make them suffer because of,i end up feeling lonely and sad even when i was laughing or when everything felt like it was all right;now...i just want all this pain and sadness to end...i know it's selfish from me to say that;but i feel like i want to be selfish after all this time when nobody cared about me;i always cared about them,doesn't matter who it was;friend,brother,sister or my parents;i just cared and suffered when they we're sad or they had problems;i tryed to smile and make them feel better;but ...who tryed to do that for me?i never had someone to tell me that it will be ok,or just to be beside me trough this hard times..and that really hurts.i love them,no doubt,i would give my life for them just to know that they are happy..but i'm on the edge now..and i feel that i can jump in the next sec.i know it sounds bad...but it's just they way i feel now..i don't know where to search for help..for a good word,a cheer;no ideea..but what i know for sure is that i want all this to fast as possible..

So,is there another way for me?how i can be happy?


P.S.da.sunt romanca si puteam scrie in limba romana.doar ca imi pot exprima mai usor sentimentele cand scriu in engleza;nu este o fita,ci doar o pasiune;


Sinuciderea este o solutie permanenta pentru o problema temporara.

Nici n-ai idee cat de dureroasa poate fi din toate punctele de vedere oricat de constienta ai fi.

Oricat de mizerabila ar fi viata, trebuie sa treci peste, sa ai puterea sa zambesti, pentru ca moartea nu rezolva nimic, e mai bine sa fi in viata , decat mort la 2 metri sub pamant, in timp ce viermii se hranesc din corpul tau ce se descompune totul ce-a fost nu se mai intoarce...

Deci capul sus te rog, poti sa treci peste orice problema :)

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De ce ai vrut sa te sinucizi in engleza, n-am sa inteleg.


Limba folosita pe forum este romana.

- Pe acest forum este permisa doar folosirea limbii romane. Va rugam sa limitati folosirea altor limbi la citate sau fraze bine cunoscute (sau traduse) si doar cand acest lucru este in concordanta cu situatia respectiva. Exceptie fac teme cuprinse in sectiunea "International Area".


Pe de alta parte, se mai discuta despre asta pe forum, foloseste functia CAUTARE, te rog.


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