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ceea ce văd e un fluture călcat de tren

ceea ce ating e s

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Sa visezi un vis imposibil

Sa lupti cu dusmanul de neinvins

Sa induri necazul de nesuportat

Sa te duci unde cei indrazneti nu cuteaza sa mearga

Sa indrepti greseala de neindreptat

Sa iubesti pur si cast de departe

Sa nazuiesti, chiar daca bratele-ti sunt obosite,

Sa atingi steaua de neatins...


Acesta este telul meu, sa-mi urmez steaua

Chiar daca nu sunt sperante, chiar daca e departe...

Sa lupt pentru dreptate fara intrebari sau repaus

Sa fiu gata sa ma arunc in iad pentru o cauza cereasca.

Si stiu ca doar daca sunt credincios telului meu maret

Atunci inima mea este linistita

Si ma pot odihni in pace.


Si lumea va fi astfel mai buna,

Pentru ca un om dispretuit si acoperit de rani

Continua cu ultima picatura de curaj

Sa nazuiasca sa atinga steaua de neatins!


Acesta e idealul meu, sa urmez o stea

Si nu conteaza cat de lipsit de speranta e totul

Cat de departe...

Sa lupt pentru dreptate fara intrebari sau repaus

Si visez... visul imposibil.


Versuri din opereta

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Si m-am coborat pe scara...

Dar pe cea din urma treapta

Cheia ce mi-ai dat aseara

Am gasit-o prefacuta

Intr-o cupa alba, plina

Cu vin verde de cucuta.


Si pe cea din urma treapta

Am ingenunchiat

Si-am plans -

Caci pe cea din urma treapta,

Ca-ntr-o carte inteleapta,

Am cetit in fundul cupei

Naufragiul ce m-asteapta!..."

(Ion Minulescu, Romanta cheii, 15 decembrie 1907)

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Lucian Blaga ~ Risipei se dedă florarul


"Ne-om aminti candva tarziu

de-aceasta intamplare simpla,

de-aceasta banca unde stam

tampla fierbinte langa tampla.."




Sir Robert Ayton ~ To An Inconstant One


"God send me love my debts to pay,

While unthrifts fool their love away!...

And then how could I but disdain

A captive's captive to remain?..."




Kahlil Gibran ~ A Tear And A Smile


"I would not exchange the sorrows of my heart

for the joys of the multitude.

And I would not have the tears that sadness makes

to flow from my every part turn into laughter.


I would that my life remain a tear and a smile.


A tear to purify my heart and give me understanding

of life's secrets and hidden things.

A smile to draw me nigh to the sons of my kind and

to be a symbol of my glorification of the gods.


A tear to unite me with those of broken heart;

a smile to be a sign of my joy in existence.


And so does the spirit become separated from

the greater spirit to move in the world of matter

and pass as a cloud over the mountain of sorrow

and the plains of joy to meet the breeze of death

and return whence it came.


To the ocean of Love and Beauty----to God. "




Kahlil Gibran ~ The Hymn Of Man


"I have borne the harshness of unsatiable

conquerors, and felt the oppression of tyrants and the

bondage of the powerful.

Yet am I strong to do battle with the days.

All this have I heard and seen, and I am yet a

child. In truth shall I hear and see the deeds of

youth, and grow old and attain perfection and

return to God.


I was,

And I am.

So shall I be to the end of time,

For I am without end."




Kahlil Gibran ~A visit from Wisdom


"You would see, human creature, this world

through the eyes of a god. And you would seek to

know the secrets of the hereafter with the thinking

of men. Yet in truth is this the height of folly.

"Go you to the wild places and you shall find

there the bee above the flowers and behold the eagle

swooping down on his prey. Go you into your neighbor's

house and see then the child blinking at the

firelight and his mother busied at her household

tasks. Be you like the bee and spend not the days of

spring looking on the eagle's doing. Be as the child

and rejoice in the firelight and heed not your mother's

affairs. All that you see with your eyes was and

is for your sake."


"This creature whom you see as

ignorant and small is the same who has come from

God's side to learn pity through sadness, and knowledge

by way of darkness."




"No reason to lie


No need to pretend


I'm grateful to die


To live once again


I'm fearless to fly


And reach for the end"

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Mie imi "bantuie" prin cap de ceva verme niste versuri dintr`o poezie a lui Marin Soresscu - De-a baba oarba. Sunt cam asa:

... Si tu sa crezi in iarba asta

S`o crezi pe toata, orbeste.

Iar eu sa cred in urma ta cu un pas



Scuzati inexactitatea, nu stiu exacu cum erau

Si mai sunt si altele, dar sunt din diverse poezii puse pe muzica, asa ca nu se pune

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